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Good in the Use of Opioid Withdrawal
Citation:   Doge_of_deepsouth. "Good in the Use of Opioid Withdrawal: An Experience with Pyrazolam (exp106734)". Apr 13, 2016.

0.5 mg oral Pyrazolam (pill / tablet)
This is my experience with pyrazolam, a kinda 'novel' benzodiazepine that's kinda new to the RC market from what I have read. I obtained this actually for the purpose of helping me go through opioid withdrawal. I got them from my good buddy via the United Kingdom (disclaimer- this is dangerous and possibly illegal and should not be attempted), I do not even live close to Europe at all haha. I have also in the past gotten 25C-NBOMe, THJ-2201, IAP, and AMT from my buddy, and actually verified the AMT with the marquis kit.

I got 10 small yellow tablets at a dose of 0.50mg each. Through my use of pyrazolam for opioid withdrawal I found it relieves the restlessness and 'on edge' feeling greatly. It also helps with insomnia a little but I did not become as drowsy or sleepy as I do from traditional benzo like a Xanax or Valium. I did get the same amount of restlessness feeling though relief as I do other benzos. This being said I can clearly see the medical use of this drug, also due to the less sedating effects.

As I write this I am on day six of my detox and have taken one 0.50mg dose half hour ago and I'm feeling the relaxing and kind of a warm or 'feel good' but not as in the sense of euphoria. I will actually get a few hours of sleep tonight ( insomnia is bad in opioid withdrawal even so in the final days of detox) and work the next day with some rest thanks to pyrazolam! In combination with cannabis it is a definite number one referral from me for opioid withdrawal.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106734
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Apr 13, 2016Views: 3,802
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Pyrazolam (681) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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