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Everything in Its Place
Citation:   PsychoactiveSentimen. "Everything in Its Place: An Experience with Gabapentin (exp106739)". Nov 18, 2020.

7.4 g oral Pharms - Gabapentin (pill / tablet)
I did quite a bit of research on Gabapentin; I read what different people were saying about how it can affect you. Some people said that Gabapentin produced no noticeable psychoactive effects whatsoever, others said it was an overwhelming, very emotional experience.

The drug seemed like it was erratic, affecting everyone in an absolutely unique experience. So I decided to try Gabapentin.

So, I have a rather high opiate tolerance. I was going through a little bit of withdrawal, but not too bad; I had around 17.5mg of iv/intranasal Oxymorphone.

I was wondering how Gabapentin would work, and potentially help with my slight withdrawal, and I have to say, it does help quite a bit.

Around an hour and a half to 2 hours I begin to start feeling the effects.

For me, this drug just puts everything in place. I feel like I can think clearly, no matter what I'm doing.

I haven't gone to school for it, but I have an affinity for pharmacology, as I'm e been studying drugs since I fell in love with opiates at the age of 15.

I'll probably take a little bit more, I'm under the effects of this 7400mg of Gabapentin right now.

Also, this drug can't be used with desirable effects for more than around 2 days in a row. After tripping, I have to take a 1-2 week break and everything should be back to normal. If I try to trip everyday, I'll more than likely get unbearable diarrhea and stomach cramps. Not fun. Liquid poop.

Thanks for reading.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106739
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Nov 18, 2020Views: 4,666
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