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An Expansive Being Are We
Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Alcohol - Beer & Cannabis
Citation:   Surreal Computers. "An Expansive Being Are We: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis, Alcohol - Beer & Cannabis (exp10674)". Jul 9, 2019.

T+ 0:00
2 g sublingual Mushrooms - P. cubensis (dried)
  T+ 1:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 1:00   repeated inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 1:00   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 3:00   repeated oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine (liquid)
  T+ 4:40   repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
T 0:00: 2g's shrooms (chewed up and held under tongue for about 15 minutes)
T +1:00: Smoked 3 bowls of pot
T +1:00: Several hits of nitrous
T +3:00: Started drinking 1 gallon of beer two other people
T +4:40: Smoked pot, did remaining nitrous
T +6:00: Finished drinking, about 1/2 gallon of beer to myself.
T +6:15: Smoked more bowls

So saturday night, a few friends and I decided to dose on some shrooms, and everything else we could get. We were all very experienced users of all the drugs we had consumed that night, so there wasn't a lot of technical difficulties, what I'd rather share with you all is how conclusive our night was.

On a last minute note, a friend called me and asked what we were up to for the night, so I told him, and he asked if I could get some cubensis for him. I did. I was kinda of glad (let's call him X) X came over, because I knew he liked to talk on broad subjects while my other two guests (Let's call em A and B) were more on the quiet side. I wasn't sure of X's background use with drugs tho, although he said he could handle it, and has done it before. So X came over, and we got started.

T 0:00: We ate 2 grams of shrooms a piece, of P. Cubensis. Chewed them up, and held it under our tongue till we felt the trip coming on. The two grams crept up kinda slow, and I found myself being able to focus more on closed-eye visuals (CEV's) and less on what was around me. My mind had become very interested in box like mechanics. I sort of swayed back and forth, then my friend and I decided to spin some trance music. As we approached the peak of our trip, the music became VERY VERY intense. Being a DJ, we both loved it, I felt as if I was underwater most of the time, as everything around me was very bubbly and seemed to be breathing. The colors of the spectrum (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet) seemed VERY apparent. Although no full-on hallucinations. We spun records until we deemed we were too tripped to do it, then we went to smoke.

T +1:00: Between three people we smoked 3 bowls of pot. (it was me, x and a smoking, b didnt want to smoke.) The high hit my very nicely, as it seemed to compliment my shroom trip very much at that point. My body seemed like it had warmed up quite a bit, and my mind was placed in a more reasonable, feasible enviornment. After smoking, we did some nitrous, and there, my mind went flying again. I had INTENSE CEV's of myself and A just inflating like balloons and popping, and my body went through a VERY intense rush, but slowed down to a max. It was pleasurable, to say the least. My mind was still in some sort of chaotic zone at that point, I was thinking, but not realizing I was thinking, I was wanting something from my trip, but at this point, I still didnt know what. After we did some nitrous, we all went outside to smoke some cigarettes. The four of us brought some more nitrous, sat outside and smoked and did more whippets. I kept feeling myself become with surroundings, yet kept recieving these very strange and disturbing CEV's of myself and A inflating like marshmallow-men. It didnt seem to bother me. At this point in the night, ppl had still said very little to each other, I dont know why, even myself who is usually very talkative, had little to say. After some time, X and I decided we should get to the grocery store and buy some beer (it was 11:45pm and we needed to get there before 12.) Good thing the store was across the street. We walked over to the grocery store to buy beer.

Enter the Grocery Store:
The store we went to was huge, HUGE! All of us being very intellegent people, knew what to expect. A place of mass-market consumerism, trash of society, upper-crust, all of it mixed, placed between the dividing line, so casually, obviously and painfully. We went to buy our beer, and decided the gallon party keg would suffice. We hauled it over to the register and waited. This particular store ALWAYS has a wait, so waiting at the checkout gave us much time to observe. I'll get back to that.

After we got home, there was some trouble, because at that point, we were still tripping, and now we were trying to work the mini-keg. After much frustration and all 4 of us gathering around it, we managed to figure out how to work it. Now it was time to get drunk.

T +3:00 & T +4:40 : We started drinking, although for most of the night it was just X and I drinking, A had some, and B had none. As i felt the alcohol come on, I realized it was time to smoke pot. We hauled the party keg to the upstairs, and began smoking. The trip's peak was coming down, but the pot and alcohol had begun taking over. The pot helped me achieve a much longer mushroom body high, and the mental trip never seemed to stop. We cracked some more whippets and I realized what the problem was right then. No one had really spoken to each other yet, rather we were just amid lots of confusion. I started talking to X (I was wondering why he hadnt been saying much, I later found out because the shrooms had been pretty intense for him.) We got some alcohol going around and it really helped loosen all of us up. That's when we got the beauty out.

We were getting drunk, and that provoked X and i to really start talking. It came out that we both followed buddhism very much, and started discussing our personalites, how we came to be the way we were, how we approached life, why mainstream religions approached it wrong, yet all of it went to the same place. We discussed our families, our friends, and generally how wonderful life is once you realize the path. The trip was all about our realization, that we are all each unique and individual people, with our own problems, hurdles, and secrets to share. When we share them, we unlock something within each one of us that allows us to see how special each human really is. There should be some sort of 'live and let live' way to life, but it unfortunately is not practiced as often as it should be. B started joining the conversation, and we A looked really out of it (but he was ok.) Getting back to the grocery store, our dosages presented our society in such a negative light. But also probably because of where we were. I felt in comparison to what our society could be, we had developed lots of pure trash. Our discussions flowed from topic to topic, but seemed consistent with the underlying realization, that first, first, first one must love oneself, and fear nothing. And through such an utter ego, one can create a place inside one full of confidence and beauty and love, warm emotions of empathy and love that will forever be ones guide.

We went out to eat later on, and the only thing I was really still feeling was the alcohol, and I was lost as ever.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10674
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 890
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66), Alcohol - Beer/Wine (199), Cannabis (1) : General (1), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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