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Therapeutic Value
Citation:   dreamstate_sci. "Therapeutic Value: An Experience with MDAI (exp106793)". Aug 7, 2016.

200 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP (daily)
  200 mg oral MDAI (powder / crystals)
I had tried MDAI - (5,6-Methylenedioxy-2-aminoindane) orally several times at different dosing intermittently for the past few years, sometimes months apart, usually dosing between 150mg-250mg max, hardly ever redosing, quite early in the day.

It seems that this substance is a relatively weak compound and somewhat expensive for what it provides in a 'Research Chemical' environment. My heart rate and blood pressure never shows any worrying signs when on this substance alone.

The effects for me are only noticeable at well over 150mg, 200mg seems to be a decent dose in one session, an overall mood lift after around 30 mins, however not truly euphoric. I feel nostalgic, some music appreciation, more outward and sociable. I post on social networking sites more frequently and I feel at ease in the world among fellow men/women. I feel that everyone has some good qualities about them even if I am not too keen on them in real non drug induced life. A feeling of acceptance with society. Wanting to hug people however not as intense and speedy like MDMA. Kind of a mild non speedy, less intense functional mini MDMA without the I'm going to dance like a cock all night.
Kind of a mild non speedy, less intense functional mini MDMA without the I'm going to dance like a cock all night.

I don’t find it addictive I can take it or leave it, there’s no real compulsion to re dose, hence lack of any real dopamine activity. I really think this has got to be one of the safest Research Chemicals available in my opinion.

No noticeable speediness at all, I would like to experiment taking a smaller dose at bedtime it may even help with my intermittent insomnia?, who knows? It's such a shame studies have halted on this substance I feel it could be an immense immediate antidepressant which give GPs and Psychiatrists access to, it could be a wonderful addition in medicine.

However I stress more studies need to be done. I have been on multiple antidepressants prescribed by my GP and have had no real success, just way too may undesired side effects. I find occasionally taking MDAI (while at present it's legal in most countries) and daily amounts of around 200mg 5-HTP spread throughout the day (50mg x 4 doses) to have almost cured me of the debilitating consequences of mental depression.

For me no real comedown just a gradual return to baseline after a good 2-3 hrs depending stomach contents.

I take a 5-HTP pill after and well before the experience with Vitamin B6 in order to help replenish the serotonin used up during the experiment and avoid potential serotonin depletion crashes after the comedown and the next day, however I have not experienced any serious crashes as such.

Interesting substance, not hugely recreational for me, more of a therapeutic feeling. It doesn’t seem to have a steep response curve.

Peace to all, and safety first

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106793
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Aug 7, 2016Views: 2,306
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MDAI (499) : Not Applicable (38), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Depression (15), Health Benefits (32), Combinations (3)

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