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Overall I Couldn't Really Enjoy It Much
by Nero
Citation:   Nero. "Overall I Couldn't Really Enjoy It Much: An Experience with S-Ketamine (exp106816)". Dec 27, 2018.

20-30 mg insufflated Ketamine
  80-100 mg insufflated Ketamine
Story of My Life

This story is 'jumpy' written. meaning I try to describe best what I remember, the thing is on ketamine I sometimes was in places and then don't remember how I got there like moving 3 feet and not remembering how I made these steps/crawls.

I'm insufflating 20-30 mg to see how it kicks. I feel drunk. Moving like one at least. Wasn't too bad. I could articulate
clearly and things like that, that was a fine dose. Lying down in my bed, 'cause that is what I want to do for the next 2-3 hours or as long as I'm high. Weirdly I was thinking with (cola-ish) confidence I am Santa Claus, and I went to my older brother's room and told him I was Santa Claus and wanted to gift him, dunno why... He just ignored me and played his game, I say stupid things like that all the time to him.

Then we ate dinner, together all 4. This was still manageable, but I was walking like a drunk a little. I had to focus on walking at least to walk in a straight line. Trying to behave like a normal human, hoping they don't notice something. So after dinner I walked up again, insufflating like 80-100 mg not all at once, just always a little so it could dissolve in the membranes... Yea, this could have been a smart decision! Well, it wasn't.

It kicked in hard. First 5 minutes it was still very cool, (kicked in later) I lied down, but then I could hear my father, I should help him with something. So...... I went down... the good boy I was... (that was the most stupid decision I made that day).

So I met him at the garage, which I should help him to paint. Oh great. Well what could possibly go wrong? I thought I could
manage it overall maybe I'll feel dizzy but I can manage it... and K-Hole later. I couldn't. I was standing there cleaning the wood and my vision got more and more blurry. Really like a drunk (best way to describe it). But it felt good! Somehow. I felt connected and being out of the scenery, like a camera filming and hearing things, that was just slightly. Then my mom came to help, she right away noticed something and whether I felt dizzy which I approved. But I couldn't help them paint the garage now... this was not manageable... wanted to get into my bed. So I moved.

Next thing I remember, I lay down outside our door in front of the staircase. I really couldn't think clearly, vision was very blurry.
Now just lying down kissing the ground. I was feeling like an octopus really. Behind me I could hear my mother asking my father: 'Look, what's going on with him?' (btw, I was still hoping they don't get I'm high as a kite.) I could feel their eyes pinpointing every movement of mine. Should have turned around and say 'everything fine, I was just inspecting the stairs, very durable, good job with these...' But man... standing up was impossible!

Well after lying there like 5 minutes and licking the stair (probably 5 seconds) a little, I crawled up some stairs and oh man
how I could feel their eyes. So I was octopussing up more stairs in the house. (at this point my short time memory makes more jumps like 10 seconds) wanted to get in my bed and enjoy a K-Hole. (the addict spirit inside still alive :D) Alright, 3/4 on the stairs I just had to rest a little, my motorical senses were so off... I kissed a stair, called her Sabine (I don't know anyone with the name Sabine) and wanted to marry her. But I moved on... (didn't get her number, she probably thought I'm too pushy) crawled up the rest of the stairs, but didn't go for my room, I went inside the bathroom. Some force was pushing me, didn't really have clear thoughts. Just somehow held my head over the sink, and dinner was moving out of my mouth, yep... moving out. Vomitting felt pretty good, so warm. Prolly, 'cause it came out of my stomach. Well as it was moving out of me, I could hear mom asking me something. (sorry don't remember it). I couldn't hear her coming at all, I could hardly hear anything tbh. She probably just teleported there. Usually I would panic, but on Ketamine... well... (mom just standing in the door there watching me vomitting the dinner she cooked). She told me later she heard choking sounds so she wanted to see what I'm doing. Then I wanted to walk into my room. (mom still standing there watching the whole scenery, by now I get a feeling she might suspects something).
I didn't walk whatsoever, I moved like a dog when he has a scrachty ass, if you know what I mean. Right past my mom. tried to do it with dignity, but oh dear... that shit was gone.

Everything was so blurry the whole time. Like being very drunk.
Everything was so blurry the whole time. Like being very drunk.
Then I octopussed into my bed and mom was talking to me, why am I doing this bla bla... Telling her I feel pretty fine (after vomitting), but also drained, told her she shouldn't worry so much. (I had worse comedowns/withdrawals) Somehow felt connected to her. Dont remember anything after that. Then we threw the Ketamine away together into the toilet, that's what mom wanted... cant blame her. I had to do that.
Then I slept off my hangover in another 40 minutes and helped them painting, oh, what a day... Later we were somehow laughing about it weirdly... she wasn't mad. I promised her I would never do this again.

(Probably will do ketamine never again, coke (is) and H (was) my fav drugs which she doesnt know about, but thats another story.)

To conclude: My short-memory was impaired significantly! Also I was more focused on my inside than outside, so music didnt affect me. Every movement was more of a fight, e.g. moving stairs, I was crawlopussing the whole time. Overall I couldn't really enjoy it much.

I wrote this, because it doesn't always work out quite the way you plan it. I can imagine if you have a QUIET and LONE place then it's probably a fun experience.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106816
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Dec 27, 2018Views: 1,577
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S-Ketamine (797) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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