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Slowed Down, Weighed Down
Kratom, Tranylcypromine, Levothyroxine, Clonazepam & Lithium
Citation:   mouse. "Slowed Down, Weighed Down: An Experience with Kratom, Tranylcypromine, Levothyroxine, Clonazepam & Lithium (exp106875)". Oct 6, 2022.

T+ 0:00
5 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 0:34 3 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 1:11 4 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  T+ 0:00 50 ug oral Pharms - Levothyroxine (daily)
  T+ 0:00 30 mg oral Pharms - Tranylcypromine (daily)
  T+ 0:00 1.5 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (daily)
  T+ 0:00 900 mg oral Pharms - Lithium (daily)
  T+ 0:00   oral Vitamins / Supplements (daily)
A Positive Experience

I’ve been really stressed out lately looking for work. I just got out of an interview this afternoon and decided I needed to do something to treat myself. Normally that would be cannabis, but part of getting these jobs is a drug test, so that’s out of the question. I was seriously considering buying some oxycodone, but if that went wrong and I got charged there goes my job chances too. So I decided on kratom.

I drove to a smoke shop in the nearest big city (before you say anything about the kratom for sale in smoke shops, this one in particular is known for its quality and unadulterated kratom). I had luck with kratom when I first tried it around 2012, so was hopeful this might be good. Earlier this week I had purchased “bali” kratom from the same shop and it didn’t do much (dose was 4.5 grams). Today a fellow customer who was “here every day buying kratom” suggested the “superior red dragon” strain as the only kind that he feels any effects from. Another fellow there with him said that this strain is more sedating, less energetic. So that’s what I purchased. The brand comes 50 capsules in a bottle, with each capsule containing 500 mg.


26 year old european-american male, 5’6” 159 lbs, mostly healthy except for obviously a tad overweight. Significant psychiatric disorders, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, celiac sprue, and hypothyroidism. Got 3 hours of sleep last night. Recent grad school drop-out (due to psychotic episode necessitating extended hospitalization). Living at home with parents.

Past recreational drug use: nitrous oxide, cannabis, alprazolam, oxycodone, hydrocodone, zolpidem. Don’t drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes.

Drugs taken today (therapeutically, not recreationally):
6 am: levothyroxine 50 mcg, trancylpromine 20 mg (a MAOI antidepressant), clonazepam 0.5 mg
12 pm: trancylpromine 10 mg
5 pm: clonazepam 1 mg, lithium 900 mg, multivitamin, vitamin D 1000 IU


Mindset: stressed out from 2 hour drive to and from smoke shop in heavy traffic and interview right before that.

7:20 pm: 5 grams kratom consumed. Empty stomach - last meal was five and a half hours ago. I’m at a small strip-mall about 3 minutes from my house. I wouldn’t ordinarily take drugs when I’m going to be driving, but I’m confident I’ll be home before the effects start.

7:37 pm: parking car at condo. Body feels heavy, especially head and legs. Even as I’m writing this the feeling is increasing. My mental capabilities seem unaffected, although I do have the desire to chat with a friend.

7:54 pm: I’m not impaired enough for my liking. 3 more grams kratom consumed.

8:11 pm: feeling a little… slowed down. Weighed down. But altogether too normal for my liking. Urge to re-dose, but not sure I should.

8:31 pm: take 4 more grams, bringing my total to 12. Feeling rather dizzy. Hopefully not doing permanent damage to my liver or other organs.

9:59 pm: sorry, I’m being a bad reporter. I should have been writing more down but I got distracted. I feel amazing though. I’ve spent the past two hours talking with my parents and having a great time, and I’m usually very anti-social. Physically I feel mostly all right, a little dizzy and still sort of slowed down. When I walk I don’t go in a straight line. My thinking is pretty clear. Mentally/emotionally there is the already-mentioned increased sociability and a noticeable but not extreme feeling of euphoria. After my earlier experiences this week with the bali I was about to give up on kratom, but I think I’ll be repeating this. And 12 grams seems like a good dose for me, but please don’t start out at that dose if you are just using kratom for the first time. I seem to have a naturally high tolerance to most drugs. Heck, I don’t know if 12 grams is ever safe, even with a tolerance.

10:17 pm: struggling to keep my eyes open. Was going to do some job-related stuff on the computer tonight, but I don’t trust myself to do anything productive or important. Now I’m feeling a bit like I am when I’m on zolpidem -- my brain is kind of somewhere else. Wherever it is, it’s a good place.

10:21 pm: reading about cannabis online (seemed like an appropriate activity for my current frame of mind) but I can’t really focus. I feel so relaxed. Not tired exactly, more like that feeling I get when I am about to go under anesthesia, right before passing out.

10:43 pm: still playing around on the internet but really struggling to keep my eyes open. Hmm, now I’m reading about others’ reports of liver injury from kratom. This isn’t a new idea to me, but being on the stuff at the moment makes it more scary. Especially because I already have liver problems, although they are in remission. Maybe I won’t do this again. Damn, why are all the good drugs bad for you?

10:55 pm: the effects are fading ever so slightly and I’m going to sign off for now and ponder my kratom use going forward. Hope this has been useful to someone.

Oh, one more thing to note: I’ve read many warnings about NEVER ever using kratom with MAOIs. Of course this is dangerous to generalize, but I wanted to add that in my experience up to 12 grams of kratom has had no noticeable ill effects (hyper/hypotension, serotonin syndrome, etc.) when combined with a medium dose of trancylpromine (Parnate). Kratom isn’t standardized or regulated though, so I can imagine that even the same amount in grams could have varying levels of active ingredients. In my opinion it would still be good to be extremely cautious if combining kratom with any MAOI, and would always be safer to refrain entirely.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 106875
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Oct 6, 2022Views: 509
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Kratom (203), Pharms - Tranylcypromine (882) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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