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The Creek of Childlike Wonder
Citation:   Piscea Indica. "The Creek of Childlike Wonder: An Experience with MDMA (exp106949)". May 20, 2020.

2 capsls oral MDMA
I have had approximately four experiences with MDMA, or 'Ecstasy' (MDMA cut with other substances) in the past, and I had found that I am not terribly fond of this substance.
I had found that I am not terribly fond of this substance.
For me, it has always felt rather robotic and superficial, and physically uncomfortable, strangely. It was not until the experience I am about to recount that l learned to appreciate it for what it is.

Oh, it was a fine afternoon in the dog-days of summer. I was frolicking with a close female friend of mine, and she was spending the evening at my home. She and I had a few alcoholic beverages (I, a few shots of Vodka, and she opted for the lighter fare, half of a strawberry wine-cooler). She is a social human being, far more than I, and so she began instant messaging with her ex-boyfriend, and decided to invite him to join in our festivities. I was fine with this, as I was surprisingly open to company that evening, and I am acquainted with him (he has been helpful in obtaining illicit substances in the past). In fact, he typically brings 'gifts' for me when he visits, ranging from Cannabis to Cocaine.

He arrived an hour later. I had ceased alcohol consumption, for I was unsure of what he may be bringing, and I thought it wise to remain semi-sober. My friend was tipsy and growing drunk, though this was well and good as she does not partake in anything beyond alcohol. He and I exchanged awkward pleasantries, and my friend threw herself into meaningless drunken conversation with him. All was well. We sat around the camp-fire, telling stories and holding debates, all in good fun.

Unfortunately, things shortly took a turn for the worse. My friend and her ex-boyfriend get along well enough, though their platonic relationship is unstable at times. They soon began arguing heavily, and decided they were both leaving my home. This is typical of them. Before they left, however, her ex-boyfriend gave me a small plastic bag,containing two capsules of 'Molly.' I was somewhat disappointed, selfishly expecting something more extravagant or enjoyable. I still looked forward to the experience, which I would indulge in in the morning. I was exhausted and emotionally drained from the activities of the day.

The next morning, I awoke early to a beautiful, mist-enshrouded morning. I ate a very light breakfast, consisting of a fresh plum and a small glass of vanilla almond milk. I made my preparations for the day, and went outdoors, after, of course, placing my bag of MDMA carefully in the pocket of my jumper. I considered bringing my camera, though I decided against it.

After a moment of deliberation, I ingested both of the capsules with a small amount of water (taken directly from the garden well, admittedly). I then made my way through the paths, barefoot and free. I felt very positive, even beyond the embrace of Molly.

Alas, eventually, she came to pay her visit to my mind and body. About fifty minutes to an hour had passed, and I had been growing impatient.

This experience was far different from the others in many respects, which I attribute to the purity of the MDMA. Typically, the onset is very unpleasant for me, causing such trouble as nausea and difficulty regulating my body temperature. However, it was highly enjoyable for me, even 'ecstatic' (how very appropriate). My fingers tingled slightly, and I suddenly felt a warm, jubilant, 'rising' feeling in my chest. It was as though I had been embraced by the Universe! I couldn't keep myself from moving, and so I decided to walk once again. I found myself at the creek on my property shortly after making this decision.

I decided then that I would like to go on an adventure. I removed my jumper and underclothes, and, in my altogether, stepped into the clear, cool amber waters. The creek is relatively shallow, though there are occasionally deep holes where I lost my footing, and fell in over my head. What would be unpleasant in a baseline mindset was not only amusing, but intensely satisfying!

I walked through the creek, enjoying a sensual feel of the silken water on my bare flesh. I played as well, following a grey crayfish to her home and losing her to the concealment of the stony bottom. I caught a small frog, held her in my cupped hands, and then gently released her. I dropped brightly colored, near-autumnal leaves into the water, simply in order to watch them swirl and dance on the surface.

I eventually came to a beautiful Yellow Willow. Her boughs hung above the water, at just the height for me to reach. I climbed into her rough, welcoming arms, and then, without a single moment of pause or consideration, I fearlessly jumped into the creek. I made a game of this, and climbed and jumped, climbed and jumped, many, many times.

I moved along at a point. When I returned to where I had left my clothing, I perched on the dock. Everything appeared to be bathed in a vague golden shade, similar to dusk, though it was mid-morning at that point. I felt warm and healthy, and completely at peace with myself, though exhausted from the day's foray.

I returned to the house, and drank the entirety of a pitcher of green tea I had left in the refrigerator. I ate a plum as well, and it was unbelievability delicious, luscious and dripping with sweet nectar. I then, naturally, felt the need to taste various things in my kitchen. The sea salt was far too intense for me; the fresh raw honey was divine. Chocolate, unfortunately, seemed unappealing to me in this frame of being. Even then, I was disappointed.

I took a nap, and had a very nice dream (it was rooted in sexual desire, however, and I am blushing deeply even as I type this. I do not wish to divulge the details).

I have been privileged enough to enjoy the ideal MDMA experience, and for that, I am immensely thankful. I feel blessed to have simply enjoyed these moments and played with my inner child once again.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106949
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 20, 2020Views: 794
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MDMA (3) : Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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