Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
First Time After a Year of Off
Cannabis, Tranylcypromine & Lithium
Citation:   mouse. "First Time After a Year of Off: An Experience with Cannabis, Tranylcypromine & Lithium (exp107006)". Nov 17, 2020.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral Pharms - Tranylcypromine  
  T+ 6:05 10 mg oral Pharms - Tranylcypromine  
  T+ 6:05   oral Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 10:28   oral Cannabis - High THC (extract)
  T+ 11:54 900 mg oral Pharms - Lithium  
  T+ 11:54 1 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam  
  T+ 11:58   oral Cannabis (extract)
First Time With Marijuana After a Year of Off

It’s been about a year since I’ve taken any drugs. In and out of hospitals and treatment programs, I didn’t really have the time to. A couple months ago, I don’t know why, but the thought came to me that I should start up again. I had a drug test to pass though, so I’ve been just messing around with kratom and benzodiazepines. Today I passed that drug test, so I’m going to have my first experience with marijuana, and I thought I’d record it.


26 year old european-american male, 5’6” 159 lbs, mostly healthy except for obviously a tad overweight. Significant psychiatric disorders, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, celiac sprue, and hypothyroidism. Recent grad school dropout, living at home with parents.

Drugs taken today:
6:15 am: levothyroxine 50 mcg, tranylcypromine 20 mg (a MAOI antidepressant), docusate 200 mg, metronidazole 500 mg

12:20 pm: tranylcypromine 10 mg, THC 15 mg (cannabis indica capsule)

Felt pretty “buzzed” and uncoordinated from the capsule, starting around half an hour from when I took it, which is weird considering it usually takes these things 1.5 hours to work. But I was still able to drive and go to the gym (a little wobbly) and go grocery shopping.

4:43 pm: THC 15 mg (cannabis indica capsule) the capsules are medium sized, with a green/brown liquid inside. They leave an oily green residue if I leave them on a surface.

5:33 pm: just got out of the shower. In the shower I felt quite uncoordinated and dizzy, but I managed to complete the shower. It would be a little early for this to be the dose I just took, so these might be effects from the first dose. Just as I am typing this I feel this wave of sedation and contentment and warmth wash over me. Everything feels good. Maybe the doses have combined? Because I would never feel this good on just 15 mg…….

5:55 pm: still coherent enough to hold a text conversation without giving away that I’m high.

5:59 pm: fooling around on the internet. Feeling very high, but not that impaired.

6:06 pm: consume lithium 900 mg, multivitamin, vitamin D 1000 IU, metromidazole 500 mg, clonazepam 1 mg, docusate 200 mg. Getting up and walking the few steps to where I keep my medication is difficult. Very dizzy, but not in an unpleasant way. It just sort of feels like my head is detached from my body.

6:13 pm: just had a conversation with my dad. It’s hard because when I’m high I get paranoid that everyone will know I’m high. Sit down with a dinner of yogurt, peaches, and tortillas. Feeling rather nauseous. Really nauseous. Maybe it’s just hunger?
Consume THC 30 mg (2 cannabis indica capsules). The goal now will be to eat and clean up before I’m couch-locked.

6:18 pm: shit, my mom asks if I’ve had a lot of caffeine today. They’re on to that I’m acting weird. Shit shit shit.

6:47 pm: feeling kind of waves of sadness. Body-load is extremely high. I just want to go lay down, but I want to keep doing things on the computer. Typing that sentence was very difficult.

6:56 pm: oh god so high. It feels orgasmic. Oh god.

7:17pm: passed out once already. Can’t keep head up. Internally it’s a great feeling. I just gotta go lie down.

7:25 pm: I can just lie here.

After that I stopped remembering to record things, and some point after that I completely blacked out. I woke up in the morning and had to scramble to make sure I hadn’t sent any incomprehensible texts or emails, or done any other sort of damage.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107006
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Nov 17, 2020Views: 804
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Cannabis (1) : Alone (16), Medical Use (47), Combinations (3)

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