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Light Dose Gave More of a Sedative Effect
DXM & Cannabis Extract
Citation:   Garrett. "Light Dose Gave More of a Sedative Effect: An Experience with DXM & Cannabis Extract (exp107106)". Oct 13, 2016.

100 mg oral DXM  
    vaporized Cannabis (extract)
After a long week of college, I decided it was time for a chill night. I usually just smoke and take dabs, but I decided that I wanted something more this time. I don't drink or do hard drugs, but I wanted something to give me that euphoric feeling. I decided DXM would be the cheapest, easiest way.

I took about 100 mg before taking dabs. Dabs mess me up as it is, and I actually forgot I took the robitussin until it finally started to kick in.

A half hour later, I felt like I took a xanax on top of taking dabs. I was messed up, nor super euphoric but chill, calm, and relaxed. Most of the psychedelic effects i had was just from the dabs. I didn't trip at all, but I wasn't expecting to. Although the effects of low-dose robitussin and xanax are distinct, they both give a calm, relaxed, intoxicating feeling.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107106
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Oct 13, 2016Views: 1,896
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Cannabis (1), DXM (22) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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