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Limitless Possibilities
GHB (Xyrem)
Citation:   bobbyy. "Limitless Possibilities: An Experience with GHB (Xyrem) (exp107243)". Jul 3, 2017.

1.5 g oral GHB (liquid)
I Must start by stating I dated a man who was narcoleptic. His Zyrem was not effective for his condition and he did not take it. This meant there were probably 15 to 20 bottles of unopened, in the box Xyrem.

My first experience, I took 3 ml and sat down to watch 'What the Bleep do we know?' . The following and many more experiences changed everything about my life.

GHB is a substance that allowed me to enter my inner child, let go of inner wounds, open up to the universe as it so wanted me to use my potential, and *just plain old expand my consciousness*.

I have done many drugs, my first 'God' Experience was from a 45x salvia extract and Mother Earth (GOD) herself grabbed me by my feet and swept me up into the sky to show me my spirit family.

I have since done most drugs and medications and will say that GHB was by far the most spiritual and enlightening substance I have encountered. I suppose I used it in such a way to continue expanding my mind. I didn't use it to get drunkish or fall asleep or party (well, rarely). I used it to be closer to GOD, The universe, myself, and others.... which I believe is all one entity.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 107243
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jul 3, 2017Views: 2,509
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GHB (25) : Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1), Alone (16)

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