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Ended Up in Severe Withdrawal
Etizolam & Hydromorphone
Citation:   steamraisin. "Ended Up in Severe Withdrawal: An Experience with Etizolam & Hydromorphone (exp107254)". Aug 23, 2016.

    Hydromorphone (daily)
    repeated   Etizolam  
Beware of etizolam. Allegedly not addictive like other benzos, it's worse. I ordered 750 mg over internet. I did not use it daily, but more days than not.

Over the period of a month I ingested the 750 mg. Obviously taking far more than recommended dose, but effects fade quickly with large doses, so I can just take more. Plus my entire life I've always been able to consume my drugs like a pig, but I won't ever touch this shit again.

Had severe withdrawal after my month-long experiment. Last dose Sunday (still had some left). Went from a sleepless night Monday, Tuesday I was severely ill, vomiting all day, sweating, shaking etc. Thought I was just puking up my dilaudid and in withdrawal from opiates. It kept getting worse, until around 5 PM I had a four-minute seizure in front of my wife and kid. Called 911, went to hospital, ended up in severe withdrawal, almost went under a couple more times. Worst withdrawal I've ever experienced (regular opiate user, cocaine, heroin and many other things in my day).
Worst withdrawal I've ever experienced (regular opiate user, cocaine, heroin and many other things in my day).
None are even comparable to etizolam. Funny things is I used it because I'd heard how bad benzo withdrawal was and didn't want to experience it.

So now I'm still in hospital a few days later, still suffering. On a valium taper, and still on my hydromorph, but even this morning (four days from last use) I was still sick as hell. Be very careful with this drug. In reality it belongs in the toilet, traditional benzos are much safer.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107254
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 37
Published: Aug 23, 2016Views: 4,240
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Etizolam (568) : Not Applicable (38), Post Trip Problems (8), Addiction & Habituation (10)

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