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A New Frontier for Delirium
Citation:   Peter. "A New Frontier for Delirium: An Experience with Dizocilpine (exp10737)". Dec 6, 2004.

3.0 mg oral Dizocilpine (powder / crystals)
  1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
    smoked Cannabis  
'Oh what a treat', I thought as I stared at the glass vial filled with the tiniest amount of grey-white powder, Labeled 'MK-801 Hydrogen Tartrate, Dizocilpine'.

And indeed what a treat it was. This was the beginning of probably the weirdest grey-hazy and utterly alien experiences of my life. My mind was filled with expectations, with tension, with utter amazement at the fact that I had a chemical in my hand which only a handful of human beings had tried. It had come at quite an expense, bit I figured it was worth it. Dizocilpine belongs to the anaesthetic class of drugs, and is probably only found in a handful of labs all over the world. I looked and looked and looked into the vial and finally plucked up the courage to ingest the chemical. Down it went, with water, the vial completely clean of its previous contents. Here is a chronology of my few hours of delerious reverie.

T+00: Ingested the drug with water. Apprehension may bring placebo effect, but I didn't want to synergise it with any other drugs, so the green friend will have to wait!

T+15minutes: Such a strange feeling already. My muscles are tense, itchy and cold. I feel I'm being drawn upwards and I'm getting hints of macroscopic vision. My jaw has lost all its tension and my stomach feels slightly queasy. Everything's starting to gain a pixellated quality, perhaps like a strong 2nd plateau dose of DXM. Will wait and take notice.

T+30minutes: This came on very suddenly and quickly. When I noticed the change it was so utterly thrilling. Macroscopia has blown everything out of proportion, and I've forgotten my identity, my ego. I feel so quiet inside. I'm mentally searching for something but I can't explain what. My vision has turned a weird shade of grey and any colours which remain are in subtle hues of wateryness. Movement is quite impossible. A small impulse to my arm will send it flying into the air. I played games with this for awhile before I light a cigarette and take a deep tug on it. No flavour, can't feel the smoke or anything I define as the nicotine's effect. I stare and savour as a network of glassy crystals sprout from my stereo system, turning into what seem to be worms of pearls. I can't find amusement, only curiosity in its rudimentary form. I close my eyes.

T+1.30: I've just sat for an hour figuring out what the hell is going on. I can't remember taking the drug, and everything from here on in is hazy and hard to define. What did I do? What didn't I do? Did I dream the whole thing? I'd become what I could remember as three entities. One was inside the wall behind me, rocking gently a large motion above my shoulders. I could see myself, as a mannequin-esque concoction on my settee, with a cigarette in my hand, just watching. The second, as far as I could tell was in the computer screen across the room from me. Couldn't see the first entity, it viewed the room as if it were a beloved childhood place, and imagines itself as a child. I imagine strange grey indescript short men scuttling across the foreground. The details on the wall above my head were waving and caressing hints of golden-brown into the picture. The third was disappeared inside my head, and as such showed the space inside, showed I was still young and needed to fill the space with interesting soliloquies. There were numerous small crafts and beings, but I can only remember one creature resembling a silicon rendered rendition of the spirograph monster.

This is where my memory gets truly distorted. In my truly narcotised state I somehow managed to pack a bong and take a good old heave-ho on it. Bad Idea. I next remember flopping onto the couch, my vision slanting, not knowing what's going on.

I have a clear memory, however of one deluge of fantasy. I remember being stripped down and split up into a group of egoes. I was the group. One was a caricature of me, at the front. I was various men and women, flying through space, trying to find light. The search became more and more desperate. I remember the utter transsencional feeling of hope I got at the end of the vision, and the sheer bliss, the state of nirvana I found when I managed to find the light. Eldorado was in sight. The light became brighter and brighter until... I opened my eyes and I was back in my bedroom. I just sat in amazement. I had witnessed amazing and rich imagery before, but none so convincing, none so ego-shattering and truly removed as this vision. True delirium.

I tried looking at the clock, and couldn't make it out. So I pushed the talking clock button. The speech sounded garbled and tinny, but I remember noting that it was roughly seven hours since ingestion (this could well have been a hallucination). I sat and lit a cigarette.

The next thing I remember is waking up on my settee, feeling hungover. The abnormal hangover I get from DXM or ketamine, but feeling much, much stiffer. I opened my bedroom window and vomited into my garden. I vaguely remember a neighbour watching me, but ignored them completely (another hallucination?). By that time, movement was still a little wobbly, but possible. Very unemotional and my vision was still grey, and my speech was completely shot - what was speech? how do I do it? I could move my mouth but what is the concept of language? Why is it needed? I sat pondering for awhile, ignored the telephone ringing and eventually nodded off. There was more vomiting when I woke up, and a massive headache probably from not drinking any water during the state.

To summarize would be impossible. I'm the only human I know who has ingested Dizocilpine. I've tried PCP, Ketamine and DXM, but they were all completely different to this. There were some moments of dysphoria, but for the most it was an agreeable experience. I've learned that my mind craves inspiration, and maybe that will fill the colour gaps in my intoxication.
If anyone else were to try this the please, please tread with caution. And I'd probably start with a lower dose. 3mg was extremely intense and probably rendered me unresponsive for quite a while. I'd recommend 900mcg to start! And use a sitter. Don't be a dumbass. I know I didn't, but there were people at hand if the need arose.

Peace to all

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10737
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 6, 2004Views: 22,637
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Dizocilpine (330) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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