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Fighting the Demon
Citation:   Brittany. "Fighting the Demon: An Experience with Heroin (exp107395)". Nov 23, 2015.

  IV Heroin
I have been an opiate abuser for six years now. Started with Hydros, then Oxys, to finally Heroin. I don't usually do the heroin too often, but it has definitely been my favorite of them all.

I shot it up for the first time a couple of days ago after reconnecting with an ex, who is a full-fledged heroin addict. He got his shot ready, then did mine. It was the most euphoric experience I have had on any drug, besides shrooms, but now that's all I want. I have done it a couple times since. He and I shared needles and I just found out that he lied to me and may have herpes. All for a fucking high, I may now have an STD.

I have realized that Heroin is not worth losing your life over. It's just a little demon running around destroying lives. This friend of mine has OD'd twice and literally died once and thankfully they were able to bring him back.

This whole experience has showed me that Heroin is the scariest, asshole on this earth. It destroys lives, kills, turns wonderful people, like my friend, into cheating, lying, stealers. The high is not worth your life. I am still craving it, but I will never touch it again, nor will I be able to be friends with this guy. I convinced him to go to rehab. I took him yesterday and I just pray he can turn his life around.

Being an addict is extremely tough. I've been one for six years, but after all the hell I have been through I want and have to be done with this shit. Even if it means cutting the people I care for the most out of my life. I want to help everyone, but I have to start with myself. I wish the best for my friend, I love him sooo much, but he has to be ready himself. I can't control what people will do.

So all in all yes my experience from the 60 units was great, but knowing that if I keep on I will be a wasted life, all for one drug. Hopefully this will help at least one person. Life, love, and happiness is much greater than chasing, needing a shot to feel normal, losing everything important to you, and eventually dying from it all.
Please take care everyone and just think long-term.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107395
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Nov 23, 2015Views: 2,630
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Heroin (27) : Addiction & Habituation (10), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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