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Clean Study Aid
Citation:   Lucifer. "Clean Study Aid: An Experience with 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (exp107399)". Dec 7, 2015.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:00 10 mg oral 2-Fluoromethamphetamine (powder / crystals)
After reading a lot about different amfetamines I decided to try both 2-FA and 2-FMA as a study aid. Firstly I tried 2-FMA since most people get the cleanest stimulation from this one.

For the use of study aid I prefer oral administration of amfetamines. The duration is longer, the high is more consistent and the comedown less hard. I don't have any capsules so I fold the powder inside a rolling paper to prevent any amfetamine from dissolving in my saliva and preventing the acids from breaking down my teeth. Beforehand I ingested a few milligrams to test for allergies.

Method of ingestion: Oral

t 00:00 - Made two bombs of 10mg of 2-FMA each, took one

t 01:00 - Effects came up quite slowly compared to other amfetamines. Slight elevation in mood, not much euphoria. Increased concentration and cognitive abilities. Took the other 10mg

t 02:00 - nice mental stimulation, still not much euphoria. Makes it easy to concentrate without focusing on distractions like with more euphoriant types of amfetamine (like 4-FA)

t 03:00 - clean stimulation, not much side effects, no uncomfortable feelings like with regular amfetamine or 4-fa

t 06:00 had a good 4-5 hours of clean stimulation with a lot of productivity. Energy levels were slightly elevated but no uncomfortable jittering or other side effects. haven't felt the need to move around as much as on other amfetamines.

t 11:00 effects slowly decreased after 5 hours, smoked some weed to get to sleep. Comedown was pleasant, no reverse effects on concentration or energy.

Conclusion: Very nice clean stimulant, especially for use as a study aid. Comedown is pleasant, woke up next morning feeling clear-headed and don't notice much of a rebound.

Note: even in lower doses the duration is quite long. Took a good 10-11 hours for the increased wakefullness/insomnia to wear off. Most effects reduce after 4-6 hours.
even in lower doses the duration is quite long. Took a good 10-11 hours for the increased wakefullness/insomnia to wear off. Most effects reduce after 4-6 hours.

Have not tried it in higher dosages yet since I'm not really interested in the recreational use of this amfetamine. From other people's experience I conclude that even in higher dosages there is not much euphoria, though side effects do increase. Might try it later in higher dosage.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107399
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 7, 2015Views: 7,983
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2-Fluoromethamphetamine (668) : Alone (16), Performance Enhancement (50), General (1)

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