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Spinal Pain Exacerbated
Citation:   SWIMer. "Spinal Pain Exacerbated: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp107410)". Dec 18, 2015.

2 g oral Mushrooms
Spinal Pain Exacerbated by Psilocybe Mushroom

My friend had a spinal fusion. He has spinal pain (pain scale 6/10) from the surgery, and had experienced mushrooms a couple times and reported an analgesic effect from the mushrooms at the time of the trip and for the next 48 hours - pain free.

My friend then got new fractures that slightly impinge his spinal cord.
Now when he consumes mushrooms the old back pain is gone but the area of the new back pain is greatly exacerbated.

Microdosing brings only slight pain, the same amount of pain experienced without mushrooms, but anything over .5 grams and he is in a lot of pain. Plus, this makes every trip a Samsara trip. Over 2 grams and the pain is crying for opiates. 3+ grams and its a horrible time.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107410
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Dec 18, 2015Views: 2,108
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Mushrooms (39) : Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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