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No Pain No Worries Bliss
Citation:   TheKratomKid. "No Pain No Worries Bliss: An Experience with Kratom (exp107460)". Erowid.org. Aug 22, 2018. erowid.org/exp/107460

10 g oral Kratom  
    oral Pharms - Ibuprofen (pill / tablet)
First, I would like to give a backdrop for the story and tell you how I got turned on to this amazing plant.

Throughout my teen years,I delt with alot of challenges, drug abuse being one of them. For the most part I smoked alot of pot and popped DXM pills like they were candy. I also fooled around with many diffrent pain killers and other prescription pills like xanax and vicodine. Drugs practically controlled my life for a majority of my highschool years. Now, after being through many diffrent treatments and self awakenings, I have been sober since the age of 17 (with the exception of alcohol and a few bong rips from time to time).

I decided to try kratom after I hurt my knee jumping on a trampoline. After going to urgent care, the practicing doctor informed me of a bone growth in my knee that caused a slight tear to my mcl, ouch. After wraping my knee up with bandages and putting me on crutches, the doctor hands me a piece of paper with a script for 30 hydrocodones. As much as my knee was killing me, I had to turn it down because of my past. After crutching out the door of urgent care, stabbing sensation still in my knee, I knew I had to find something cause ibuprofen was NOT gonna cut it.

As soon as I got home I called my friend and asked him if he had something I could have to take the edge off a bit (I was hoping he had liquor). He said 'no but I have some kratom that you can try, itll put you right out'. He had been going on about the stuff for weeks and I never got around to trying it, 'fuck it, ya come through man'. When he arrived, he weighed out 10 grams of Bali kratom on his scale, placed the powder in a cup and said, 'toss and wash my friend'. So, I filled my mouth partly of some sweet tea I was drinking, pourd the powder in my mouth and chased it with more tea. (I should note 10 grams is WAY to much to toss and was all at once, break it up and do 5 grams at I time or it'll be like doing the cinnamon challenge). The taste was extremely bitter but I luckily have a fairly strong pallet so it went down no problem.

Five minutes after tossing down the kratom my friend decide to take off and let me rest. I climbed into my bed, still in emence pain at this point, and turned on the tv. This is when I started to notice the effects of the kratom.

30 minutes go by and I'm starting to feel a little spacy and slow. Nothing crazy but my knee starts becoming easier to deal with and I'm not wincing in pain at every movement. After another 15 minutes I start feeling a slight warmth come on in waves, my mood was improved, I was laughing more and I felt heavy and cozy. I could tell it was going to be a pleasant experience.

After about an hour, I peaked. My full body was engulfed by warmth and relaxation yet I was not 'high' or 'out of it'. I was clear of mind and almost forgot I ever hurt my knee. I was in no pain what so ever. It was very similar to an opiate, but at the same time it was not like anything I've tried before.

Shortly afterwards I fell asleep and I slept for almost 12 hours. The next morning I woke up with a slight hangover and headache, but after taking some ibuprofen and drink some water I felt fine. I had a slight 'glow' going on too, I felt happy and I was in a great mood for the remainder of the day.

If there was one thing I took away from this experience is that I have no craving for kratom like I would if I took a classic opiate like oxycodone or morphine. Even though I've taken it multiple times now since the first time I took it, I've never woken up one day and said 'I need kratom', its just there when I want to enjoy myself or if I have an injury that over the counter medicine cant do enough to help the pain. In conclusion, kratom is an amazing medicine an has truly changed my life.

Thank you for reading.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107460
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 1,756
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Kratom (203) : General (1), First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Hangover / Days After (46), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Various (28)

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