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Lack of Trip or Sudden Stop
LSD, Mushrooms & DMT
Citation:   snappykittens. "Lack of Trip or Sudden Stop: An Experience with LSD, Mushrooms & DMT (exp107524)". Feb 10, 2016.

I've had a bit of a strange experience in my past 3 years of taking psychedelics and I can't find a lot of information on it. I have taken a decently wide variety of doses of boomers, L, and deems and often I have a very minimal trip or just a body trip. I have talked to a variety of people and everyone finds it strange. I know that the stuff I've had is good, because it has worked well for a large variety of my friends.

Here's a scenario to clarify on L:

I take two hits of L and everyone else is blasted off. I have a great body trip, feel happy and euphoric, and may have minimal visual or pattern recognition; but, I never come close to the intense visual experiences my friends have.

Also, I can't take more L to enhance or extend my trip. If I take it one day I will barely feel it if I take any more for about 4 days after. This pretty much doesn't matter on the amount I take. It could be anywhere from half a hit to half a strip on the first day. I just feel like I microdosed.

Other times, I have been in deep thought during a trip and all of a sudden my trip almost completely stops. This happens usually after a bout of extreme body euphoria. This has happened to me on DMT as well.

Mushrooms tend to produce more of a trip, but never as much for myself as others. I haven't had enough experience with dosage and variety to make a conclusive statement.

So mainly I'm just wondering if anyone has looked into this or experienced it. Is there such a thing as a natural tolerance that may just require me to take more? The most intense trips I've had were when I'm stressed out by my surroundings so I'm curious if it's hormonal or mental instead of a relation to my body composition. The stress has managed to kick start a trip for me so even after I'm removed from the stressful situation my trip will still continue to be just as intense. Other times, I've begun to trip and as I'm climbing to the peak I've had an extreme bout of euphoria and then my trip abruptly stops. I enjoy psychedelics and would love to have fruitful experiences with them without having to take a ridiculous dosage.

Sorry if this is confusing there is a lot to explain and process.

[Reported Dose: 'Typically 2-3 hits of L ,1/8 of mushrooms, unspecified with DMT']

Exp Year: 2014-2015ExpID: 107524
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Feb 10, 2016Views: 2,591
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LSD (2), Mushrooms (39), DMT (18) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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