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A Decently Stimulating Trio
Amphetamines, Fladrafinil, 4-Benzylpiperidine & Supplements
Citation:   Phantasmagoria. "A Decently Stimulating Trio: An Experience with Amphetamines, Fladrafinil, 4-Benzylpiperidine & Supplements (exp107556)". May 24, 2021.

T+ 0:00
70 mg oral Lisdexamfetamine
  T+ 0:00 225 mg oral Desvenlafaxine
  T+ 0:00     Vitamins / Supplements
  T+ 9:45 15 mg oral Amphetamines
  T+ 0:00   oral Various
Amphetamine Salts, FL-Adrafinil, 4-phenylmethylpiperidine, Vyvanse, Multivitamin Fish Oil, Venlafaxine XR

Notes: I have a high tolerance to amphetamines, as I have had a prescription for over a year and do not miss my doses. I have ADD, Major Depression primarily. I have extensive experience with many 'nootropic' stimulants, DMAA, adrafinil, flmodafinil, hydrafinil, bromantane, prolintane, 13-DMBA, methylphenidate, dextromethylphenidate, MDMA, amfonelic acid, etc. This was my first experience with FLadrafinil, but not anything else.

10 am- I take my normal 70 mg vyvanse, 225 mg of venlafaxine xr, 1000 mg of fish oil doses, and a multivitamin.

7:45pm-I take my normal Adderall dose, 15 mg, and then ingest the 300 mg fladrafinil and 175 mg 4-pmpd. At the time, I am attempting unsuccessfully to write a history paper. I am fairly inactive on this particular evening, remaining seated in a chair whilst using my laptop. I last ate around. 45 minutes before, at 7 pm. I proceed to continue with my work, and remain unsuccessful for the rest of the night. I end up reading the Shulgin Index out of boredom and a absent desire to write. This paper is due the next night, but it is seemingly impossible to even start. Boredom ensues.

11pm- Here's where the fun starts. I begin to get ready to rest, and listen to my headphones while I prepare for sleep. For some reason, I start to get rather energetic, and begin dancing to my music. I feel rather hyper and 'silly'. I enjoy myself, and go to my bed, where I proceed to read the entire night and then I go to school.

5:45am- I take my morning meds, vyvanse, adderall, venlafaxine xr, fish oil and a multivitamin. Throughout the rest of the day, I am approximately 20% more tired than usual, and go to bed at 10 pm, an hour earlier than usual, and proceed to have no problems since.

Conclusion- They combine well to keep me awake. I rate the experience as a 7.5/10, 5 being neutral. Not very recreational in my opinion. No negative side effects during the whole experience was greatly appreciated, and was on a whole a decent experience.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107556
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 24, 2021Views: 2,177
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Desvenlafaxine (828), Lisdexamfetamine (589), Amphetamines (6) : Alone (16), Depression (15), Performance Enhancement (50), Combinations (3)

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