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Probably Will Not Do It Again
by Lee
Citation:   Lee. "Probably Will Not Do It Again: An Experience with Nabilone (exp107601)". Jan 4, 2016.

T+ 0:00
1 mg oral Nabilone (capsule)
  T+ 1:00 1 mg oral Nabilone (capsule)
  T+ 2:30 .5 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
I am a frequent but not heavy smoker of marijuana and for the past couple of weeks it has been about every other day that I share a small joint with others.

I came across some 1mg Nabilone caps and decided to try two. I took the first one at around 22:30 last night and didn’t feel anything at all by 23:30 so I took another. I then had about half a glass of red wine around 01:00. I did all of this on a fairly empty stomach, having so far only eaten some carrots, celery, hummus, an apple, and a Trader Joe’s microwaveable Indian dish. After the wine, I ate a small portion of brown rice and veggies and a bagel.

I had difficulty falling asleep but that’s been normal for me lately. I think it took around 2 hours and I was probably asleep by 5am. During the sleep I had crazy dreams that I can’t remember. I could barely wake up and it felt like I was in a heavy fog. I’ve felt this way sometimes after I wake up from taking diphenhydramine to sleep, but this is worse. Someone called me at around 11:00 and we had a conversation that I don’t even remember. All I recall saying is that I’m sorry, I’m kinda messed up right now. The heavy fog still hasn’t lifted and it’s now 17:30. I have been dealing with a situation that’s causing me a great deal of anxiety and I’m not sure if the Nabilone is increasing the anxiety but it’s definitely not helping. I’m considering taking a Xanax in the next few hours.

I read that some people liked the Nabilone when combined with smoking marijuana. I’m not even sure this next day feeling is worth giving that a shot. This is what I’m thinking even though I have quite a few more pills left, and normally I would be willing to give something another chance if it was free and easy like this, but I think I’ll pass.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107601
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2016Views: 3,683
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Nabilone (571) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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