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Warm Content and Happy
Citation:   HakeJo. "Warm Content and Happy: An Experience with Kratom (exp107644)". Jun 14, 2018.

T+ 0:00
5 g oral Kratom (ground / crushed)
  T+ 0:20 1 cup oral Coffee  
This is a documentation of my first experience with Kratom. I chose to use straight powdered leaf, not an extract or tea.

I am a 30 something male with moderate to severe anxiety and was recently diagnosed with ADHD although I have yet to be prescribed any medication for the ADHD. I currently take 600mg Gabapentin 3x a day. Prior to this I was taking Xanax .5mg 3x a day for over 4 years but the Xanax has recently begun making me feel like a zombie. I spoke with my doctor and she agreed to taper me off the Xanax and I finished the taper a little over one week ago.

At this time, I have run out of Gabapentin early (due to taking extra while tapering off the Xanax) and have been off of it for 4 days. I use no other drugs and have quit drinking alcohol about a year ago after some legal troubles and a stint in outpatient rehab. I have extensive experience with opiates due to a long term lower back injury, but have not taken any in approximately 6 months. My body is clean of all substances except caffeine from my daily cup of coffee.

T-0 (10:30am) I weigh out 5g of Kratom. It is labeled 'Green Elephant Meng Da'. I dump the powder in my mouth and chase it with water. I was surprised to find it to not be nearly as bitter as I expected. This may be due to the fact that bitter foods do not really bother me.

T+20 I am experiencing a feeling of warm contentment. Similar to a low dose of Codeine. All anxiety is gone and I feel happy and sociable. At this time I pour myself another small cup of coffee, mainly to get the kratom aftertaste out of my mouth.
T+40 I feel an overall warmth enveloping my body. Also a slight bit of a 'speedy' feeling similar to drinking a large can of energy drink. My mood has become one of happiness and generosity. I am also beginning to get the familiar itching that is common with opiates. Scratching it feels amazing. I would compare what I am currently feeling to that of 10mg of Hydrocodone.
T+90 Just came back from taking the dog for a nice long walk. Effects have peaked. A very nice mellow feeling of absolute contentment. The itch has increased greatly. I'm itching as if I had taken a large dose of Oxycodone although the rest of the effects are much more similar to Hydrocodone. I have zero anxiety. There is a slight loss of coordination and colors seem brighter and more vibrant. Sounds seem louder as well. I'm going to listen to some music.
T+4hrs I am still feeling the effects of the kratom quite strongly although I can tell it is wearing off. The itch is still here.

Overall I am amazed at how powerful this plant is. It has been a thoroughly pleasant experience.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107644
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Jun 14, 2018Views: 2,263
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