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Relaxing Lucid Dream Inducer
Citation:   TheBoothParadigm. "Relaxing Lucid Dream Inducer: An Experience with Vervain (exp107669)". Jan 14, 2016.

  oral Vervain (tea)
    smoked Vervain (plant material)
Vervain [lemon verbena] has very nice calming effect for the onset, but in the comedown a wave of fatigue passes through the brain and can be slightly uncomfortable. If I am already asleep the fatigue will not be noticed. Or I take a rest as this sets in, it all but negates the effect of mental fatigue.

These were found to happen both in smoking and drinking as a tea, although the fatigue happened 3-5 hours after drinking tea and 40mins-1.5hr after smoking. Smoking 4-5 leaves, drinking 1-2 grams.

Extremely vivid dreams when sleeping affected by this herb, Lucid to the point of knowing I am dreaming and able to make decisions, but not lucid enough to do anything unnatural or change the dreamscape. Tired feeling the next day, not physically but mentally, a very thin fog over the brain that is somewhat unnoticeable unless focused on.

All effects accept the dream state were mild at best, mostly akin to drinking any nice calming tea.

[Reported Dose: '1-2g in Tea and 4-5 leaves smoked from pipe.']

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107669
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 14, 2016Views: 4,817
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Vervain (660) : Alone (16), General (1)

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