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Infinite Periphery
Citation:   spiral_out. "Infinite Periphery: An Experience with 4-HO-MiPT (exp107724)". Jan 15, 2016.

25 mg oral 4-HO-MiPT (powder / crystals)
I've been drug-free for a little over a month, a few alcoholic beverages aside. I've not tried many hallucinogens to compare this experience to. I'd say it falls somewhere between my experience with mushrooms (pleasant, moderately powerful, and colorful with no negative side effects whatsoever) and salvia (extremely powerful and rather uncomfortable soon after.) The only drug I do with any regularity is marijuana, but I am in need of a job, so I don't want to reset my drug test clock. It appears that most tryptamines do not appear on standard tests, so I figured I was due for an adventure.

I am gearing up to go see my favorite band Tool perform in a few weeks, and having seen them before, I know their visual display is intense. I want to make it even wilder. However, I needed a test run before trying a next level compound like this in an unfamiliar, public setting.

I set the mood in my home with different types of colorful lights in each room. A gentle, slow, color changing spotlight in one, a strobe light in another, and a spinning dance floor style light in the living room where I planned on spending the majority of my trip. There are also trippy posters and artwork dispersed throughout my house. Knowing the importance of starting this journey in a good mindset, I cue up Bill Hicks to speak his Arizona Bay masterworks into the air, assuring that I'm in a giggly happy mood. It's time.

At 11:15PM I take a capsule of a light greyish powder, ~25 mg 4-HO-MiPT (aka: miprocin) with orange juice. I play my guitar for about 20 minutes, and I don't feel any different. I snack on some peanut butter and crackers. Perhaps this slowed the onset of the drug, because I still didn't feel anything by midnight - 45 minutes after ingestion. This seems unusual based on what I've read. At this point, I pull up a music video on the big screen - Tool's 'Third Eye'. This YouTube channel - Sentient Mind - has some incredibly trippy, abstract videos that are a pleasure to watch even sober. This is a 14 minute long song, and I figured by then it will have been an hour; surely I'd feel something.

Let me tell you, by the time he's screaming, 'Prying open my third eye!' towards the end of that song, with the image of this strange, alien cephalopod shapeshifter on screen, I knew mine was opening. As the shape unfolds into new each new appearance, I feel these triumphant epiphanies, as though I have finally realized this thing's true form - again and again. These are not hallucinations though, just a great feeling; a body high.

At 12:15AM the song ends, and screen went black. I then noticed these lizard sculptures of mine pulsing, breathing. I shift my vision upward to this mayan/aztec looking canvas, and it's swirling to and fro somewhat like like wet paintbrush strokes, but more akin to a kaliedascope. This is happening with any other artwork I look at. It's been one hour since ingestion, and It is now unmistakable. This is incredible, and I find it hilarious.

I pull up another video - Lateralus - on the same channel. I cannot recommend this one enough if you're tripping, because this is when I broke right on through. Swaying my body to the beat of the song, I had to reach out to someone and share my experience, so I texted the wizard who gave me this magic. I told him this was awesome, and he replied, 'Now you know, sit back and enjoy the show. :) Love you brother bear.'

This invoked images of the both of us anthropomorphised as happy bears, which was extremely funny, and made me feel connected. From this point on, we communicated through text for the duration of my trip as I pulled up lots of cool videos and explored my house. Nearly everything he said caused me to burst into laughter whether it was a silly analogy, or totally serious philosophy. I told him, 'You are a shaman, and a master.', to which he replied, 'You are a powerbomb!!!' I explode into the cosmos for a moment, and this brought me to the floor laughing for a solid 5 minutes. I only know this because of the time records of the text message. Otherwise, time is very difficult to gauge at this point, because the concept goes right out the window. The texts serve as helpful checkpoints in this review.

It's now 12:45 - I've been tripping for 30 minutes, though it feels much longer. I wish I had someone to hug, and touch, but I don't really feel lonely. Just wanna share this feeling with someone. The energy doesn't feel sexual, but that might be different if I had a partner present. I'm beginning to notice that I'm twitchy, but it's not really bothersome. I don't think that lasted long. I've been feeling quite sensitive to cold, so I crank the heat and get my robe. Now I'm rather sweaty, but again not bothered, because I prefer it to the cold. I enjoy the way my hands feel sliding across my skin. Walking is not difficult. Maybe slightly off balance, but not as much as if I were drunk. I stare into a strobe light for a while with three colorful posters above it which I perceived as deities. I believe I have reached the height of this experience now, as I'm not quite sure what I did for the next 45 minutes until I eventually text the shaman, 'This is the kind of gift that should leave no spirit unkissed.'

1:30 AM - I'm feeling mildly uncomfortable. It wants to break free from the prison that is my body. It makes me want to slither like a snake. Everything looks so cool, and the joy is so prominent, that I strangely welcome the discomfort. It's as though I only choose to call it that for lack of a better word. I relay this to the shaman, to which he replies, 'Don't hold onto your thoughts. Just remember - you are the mountain and your thoughts are the clouds. Watch them pass by, you are not your thoughts.' This cracks me up. I AM the mountain!

I remember too that the only discomfort comes from the physical limitations of my vessel, and my spirit simply wants to reconnect to the infinite. He then assures me, 'The discomfort you feel is your ego trying to justify its existence.' I find this beautiful line hilarious like everything else he's told me. I could not have asked for a better guide through this juicy jungle. He hits me with some more wisdom: 'I am he as you are me and we are all together. In lak'esh ala k'in. I am another yourself.'

'I've noticed that infinity becomes a very welcome concept here. Just in the periphery, I can see forever.' I tell him. In fact, I notice that much of the visual activity takes place in the periphery, and not right where I focus.
I notice that much of the visual activity takes place in the periphery, and not right where I focus.
I learn to not fully focus on one spot, and everything gets wild. Beautiful fractals emerge wherever I will them to be, and I can follow them out as far as I wish. The woodgrain of my bathroom cabinet spills right off of the surface, until I will it back into place. Music envelops me entire body.

Dualities become trivial, and opposites seem vague - such as the comfy or not observation. I notice re-reading the conversation that I said 'Art is amazing right now. It's importance cannot be understated.' Overstated would have been the correct word, of course, but I was confident in that statement when I made it. Maybe I meant to say it *should* not be understated. Who knows?

It's now 2:30 AM, and I feel like it's tapering off. Still trippy, but not as intense. At times I feel almost normal. I inform my guide that I've changed his contact photo to a swirling rainbow space cat. He sees the picture and says, 'That looks like my cat orange boy! Psychedelic OB! OB wan katnobi! Ol' Ben Kenobi!' I probably laughed more here than anywhere else the whole night. 'Your cat is NOT named Orange Boy!' I was obliterated. He says, 'They just know, man. Cats are on that level. I tried to name him Pikachu, and Simba. He ended up Orange Boy. Hahahahaha' I am dying of laughter. My little cat brother Socks has been by my side this whole time, and I found myself thinking the same thing - that he's been on this level all along. He's always this happy.

At this point I go chow on some strawberries and peanut butter. My appetite seemed unaffected throughout the experience. I wonder if the taste would have been more intense if I'd eaten during the peak? It seems that all of my senses were acute. I was able to see in the dark better than usual, and I could hear sounds like the strobe light clicking a couple of rooms away. I noticed the strobe synced up with the ticking of a clock in a perfect 5/4 time signature. TICK click click click click TOCK click click click click.... I wish I had written some music, but the effort seemed too great to undertake. The words I wrote were more poetic and intuitive than usual. This substance is certainly a catalyst for creative minds.

Hours go by, and the comedown becomes slightly more uncomfortable as time progresses. The bodily awareness begins to outweigh the euphoria. Almost like a slight fever, general bodily discomfort. Nothing I couldn't handle, and the good has far outweighed the bad in this ride. Despite my feeling that it was wearing off 4 hours ago, I'm getting ready to crash at 6:00AM, and I notice that if I look for it, the walls are still dripping, which is cool. Also some faint closed-eye visuals are still happening. I fall into slumber, and dream of being at the concert. It's gonna rule.

This was a perfect training ground for what awaits me, because I know now that this dose was too intense for the unfamiliar concert hall. It was fun and manageable at home, but I would have felt pretty embarrassed if anyone had seen me hysterically laughing at basic shapes or the waving of my hand in front of my face. When I wasn't laughing, I was smiling like Carl Sagan in awe of the universe. More importantly, though, I would not feel safe to drive away after the concert in an unfamiliar city, even hours after coming down.

I wonder if a lesser dose might retain most of the better qualities of the experience
I wonder if a lesser dose might retain most of the better qualities of the experience
, with less or no unpleasant side effects. It is now midnight of the next night, exactly 24 hours since I began tripping, and I still feel a little 'sick'. Kinda sore throat, mild headache. I wonder too if I'm simply reinfected with the cold I just shook off a few days ago, because most experience reports indicate feeling fine afterwards, let alone the next day. (EDIT: Next morning, definitely sick again. Can't be sure how much of the bad feeling I can attribute to the come down now.) Either way, if that was 25mg, I'd like to try 18-20mg next time.

While I still give shrooms the edge, I approve the miprocin experience, and plan to go on this ride again some day. Spiral out!

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107724
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jan 15, 2016Views: 3,332
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