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Nice Boost
Citation:   nervewing. "Nice Boost: An Experience with Allylescaline (exp107741)". Jul 21, 2016.

50 mg oral Allylescaline (capsule)
Dose: 50 mg
ROA: oral (in gel cap)
Set: Had felt very depressed the past few days and been binging on dissociatives. I woke up and felt so low and so depressed so I decided I would make the day more exciting by testing allylescaline.
Setting: My bedroom, my living room, north philly

T0:00-50 mg taken in a gelcap

T0:30-The effects are beginning to be felt. I was unsure if this would even do anything, but it turns out that it does indeed have effects. I am pleasantly surprised. I get a sort of nausea and tingling numbness typical of phenethylamine comeup.

T1:00-I am overtaken with a tingling and electrifying bodyload, its pretty noticeable and while restless, feels warm and pleasant, like I am buzzing with warmth. I smoke as I always do as I begin to peak on trips, and the first visuals start to appear, which surprises me as this one is apparently not supposed to be visual.

T1:30-My roommates are watching some show called “Million Dollar Extreme” that relies on a lot of very surreal absurdist humor. I notice the visual effects used in the show strongly resemble the experience of being on dissociatives, especially DXM. I begin to think about that state and it almost feels like I’m replicating it just by thinking about it. Visuals are flashing in red and green, they are boldest when I blink really fast. CEV’s seem like pretty mild swirling and patterning, and OEV’s are faint patterns on the walls, reminiscent of 2C-B. Auditory effects come in the sense of losing all depth, with far away things sounding close by, with some echoing and reverb. Mentally, I am very lucid, it feels like being very stoned,I am pretty spacey and dazed and my mind wanders a lot
I am pretty spacey and dazed and my mind wanders a lot
. However it feels “clearer” and “sharper”, like the fogginess of being stoned is gone.

T2:30-I have been watching a movie for a while in the dark. The movie is Aguirre, The wrath of god. I’m not really paying attention for most of it, the whole thing is in German with no English subtitles. Its hard for me to tell what's going on, I keep getting distracted. I’m seeing patterns appear in the background of the movie and it looks like its extra high def. The dark room also fosters flashing red and green patterns. I’m still very lucid. There feels like a very slight increase in sociability, less anxious than usual but thats it really.

T3:30-We go out for food, its my first time walking in a while and it feels positively divine. I feel in tune with my limbs as conceptual and neural entities although physically I feel very numb and floaty all over. Its cool to feel in control of my body like this, like I am piloting a big ghost. There is light but colorful patterning in the sky. It’s been the same sorta geometry the whole time-almond or aureola shaped objects in a matrix of tessellated repeated sharp cornered patterns.

T4:30-I go out to friend’s house. I feel spacey and stony and get lost in thought. The visuals have mostly died down to color enhancement.

T6:00-Back to baseline

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107741
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 21, 2016Views: 3,554
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Allylescaline (573) : Alone (16), General (1)

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