Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
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No Need for Nicotine
Erythrina mulungu
by blue
Citation:   blue. "No Need for Nicotine: An Experience with Erythrina mulungu (exp107798)". Feb 8, 2016.

1 tsp oral Erythrina mulungu (ground / crushed)
I picked some of this up, as it was recommended to me to help with sleep. I had no idea what was about to happen. I took a heaping teaspoon's worth of powdered bark in a glass of hot water one afternoon. Within 30 minutes, I was asleep on the couch. I intended for the experience to be a test of my affinity for the substance, and, well, it seems we will develop a strong relationship. I took the same dose that evening, and it worked just as it did that afternoon: I went right to sleep within 30 minutes with no problems.

Nicotine has been a good friend for the last 12+ years, so when I woke up after my first experiences with Mulungu and didn't want/need any nicotine to function, I was confused and strangely excited. Turns out, an alkaloid named erysodine in Mulungu is a competitive antagonist to nicotine. For those of you who enjoy literature searching, there are a couple publications out there you can check out that explore the effects of erysodine.

I have never voluntarily given up nicotine, EVER. I'm 4 days in with my Mulungu supplementation, and I haven't touched the stuff. I'm not even tempted to touch the stuff. I have been taking small doses (~1g) in the morning and midday along with a much larger dose (~1 heaping tsp) at night. I feel more balanced, and I feel pretty clear-headed in general. I am having difficulty reading and comprehending technical scientific publications, which wasn't an issue for me before. I also am experiencing some mild stomach/GI issues.

I have been subconsciously searching for Mulungu for years, and I'm glad we've finally met. It feels like I found my soulmate, minus the GI issues.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107798
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Feb 8, 2016Views: 5,225
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Erythrina mulungu (426) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), General (1), Alone (16)

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