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The Rekindling
by NA
Citation:   NA. "The Rekindling: An Experience with MDMA (exp107800)". May 22, 2020.

125 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
Setting: A weekend night in New York City

Mindset: I went on this trip to meet my ex (I will call her 'L') who I had not seen in nearly 4 years. We stopped seeing each other due strictly to our circumstances a the time, but remained friends during the interim and spoke on occasion. I was extremely excited to be seeing her again.

Background: I am a relatively experienced user with experience in DMT, MDMA, LSD/A, 4-Aco-DMT, Mushrooms and cannabis. L was new to psychedelics for the most part, but she trusted that I would take care of her and not lead her astray with anything dangerous or undesirable. This trip is being written from memory, so the times are estimations rather than exact timepoints.

[T+0:00] - I leave my hotel and catch the subway to meet up with L at her friend's place. Our plan that night was so to go to a well known strip club in the suburbs before returning to the city to crash. I had brought along with me 2 capsules with ~125mg of pure MDMA. After waiting for a bit, she finally comes out and heads to the subway with me. Once we make it to the subway station, I hand her a capsule, we toast, and down the hatch they go!

At this point in our story, I still have a big time crush on L. She was, and is still to this day, the most attractive woman I have personally laid my eyes on. The invitation for me to come see her came completely out of the blue, but was a more than welcomed surprise. During the brief period that we dated, we always got along well and I very much missed her presence in my life. So needless to say, I was very excited to be sharing this experience with her. I believe she was too since she did invite me out there to see her in the first place right? But hey, you can never know for sure.

[T+0:15] - As we ride the subway to our first stop, I start feeling the first alerts that are commonly associated with MDMA come-up. Tightness/discomfort in the stomach, increased heart rate, and a slight feeling of anxiety. L looks normal right now, so I choose keep my thoughts to myself until she starts to feel something as well.

[T+0:30] - We exit the train to realize that we had actually missed our stop and would have to find a new route using public transportation. It was at least midnight by now, so most of the subways had done the last of their routes until the morning. We decided to walk to another train station to buy tickets directly to our destination. We walk together through neighborhoods enjoying each other's company. I constantly look over to L in sheer amazement of the beauty that is before me.

[T+0:45] - We arrive to the ticketing station and approach the podium. As soon as we start making our selections on the touch screen...........BOOOOOOM........WoooooSSHHHHHHH. The MDMA hit both of us like a ton of bricks. My eyes had become the size of saucers, and my legs felt like complete jello. I looked up at L and saw her resting her head against the ticket dispenser looking back at me in pure amazement. Looked at me through her beautiful almond eyes and mouth 'Oh My God..' as we both retired to a nearby bench to get ourselves together.

The MDMA had hit is both at seemingly the same time with same overwhelming intensity. And the feeling for the time being was just that, overwhelming. We were both floored having trouble speaking and even moving. The feeling can best be described as feeling so good that my body wants to melt.

[T+1:00] - Once the initial wave passed, we were rolling pretty good, and felt good enough to leave the train station. We decided that due to our state, we would just walk back toward my hotel on the other side of town. As we walk, the intoxicated state we were in led to some glorious conversation. L spoke to me about things that she usually would be much more hesitant to share, which is one aspect about MDMA that I love.
L spoke to me about things that she usually would be much more hesitant to share, which is one aspect about MDMA that I love.
She has always told me that she feels like she's 'talking my ear off' since I'm more of a listener, but I absolutely LOVE listening to her talk when her inhibitions are lowered. Shes spills all the beans and tells me things that she otherwise might not have shared, or at least would have taken a significant amount of coercion for he to admit.

[T+2:00] - After walking for a while, I get sick and stop briefly to vomit. In the moment, I find it particularly amusing that L was so supportive while I was relieving myself of my nausea. Once I'm done, I pop in a altoid and offer her one. Immediately, she exclaims 'HOLY SHIT! THIS IS A FUCKING ALTOID??' She admitted that when I first offered her the mint, she felt self-conscious of her breath, not realizing that I was giving her a party favor for her to enjoy during the roll. We had altoids in our mouth for the rest of the night. We laugh about our reactions to the candy as we hop in a cab back to my hotel.

The ride back was very intense for L. It was around 3am, and we were driving around NYC under all the lights and screens of Times Square. Her eyes were darting and wiggling as I admired her wonder during the experience. I realized that I had unwittingly been rythmically rubbing her leg during most of the ride. I stopped, hoping that she didn't think I was doing too much. She immediately asked me to keep touching her, because the contact was keeping her grounded. She was rolling pretty hard.

[T+3:00] - Once we arrive back to the room, L takes off her clothes and gets all the way under the sheets as I turn the heat up in the room. She despises being cold, so I always try to get the room temperature to about 80 whenever I see her. I grabbed some massage oil and spent a good amount of time just touching her skin.

For about an hour or two, I massaged L while we chatted, listened to music, and just enjoyed each other's company. After spending time increasing the intimacy and arousal through massage, it was time we took it up a notch. L grabbed me, and gave me a passionate kiss that I won't soon forget. She's not big on kissing either, so the fact that she did so with such little hesitation meant alot to me. To me, it felt as if through her kiss she was saying 'I missed you.' At least, that's what I will hope she was saying.

Sex while rolling is must. The increased tactile sensations combined with the empathy and elevated heart rate makes the experience absolute ecstasy. We had sex for the next hour or so, at least when we could manage. My member was not cooperating as I would have liked in the moment and climax was all but out of the question, but it worked well enough for us to enjoy the experience even w/o climax.

[T+6:00] - We lay in the bed as the sun shines into my penthouse window. We have been having discussion all night long about life, love, and happiness. I've suceeded in getting L back into her chatty mode where she freely lets me know how she's feeling and what's going on in her life. As she explains, the sun shines down on her face like a spotlight of beauty. The brown of her iris sparkles in the sunlight like gold. Her long beautiful eye lashes accenting the light and beauty coming from her eyes. I gently caressed her as she explained the multitude of events in her life that lead up to us being re-united in such a way. She was literally flawless. I Loved her, and in that very moment, I realized that I always would. Every time I looked at her, I would almost become overwhelmed with gratitude to the universe for aligning me with such a wonderful soul and that after all these years, the attraction between us remained. I never wanted it to end.

We stayed in the bed for the better half of the morning until around 11 am, when L had to catch a flight out.

Since our first MDMA experience together, L and I have remained very close. Probably closer than we were when we first dated. This experience has definitely built some unshakable lines of trust between us.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107800
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: May 22, 2020Views: 774
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MDMA (3) : Sex Discussion (14), Relationships (44), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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