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Uncomfortable Evening
Vasopressin & Alcohol
by Fred
Citation:   Fred. "Uncomfortable Evening: An Experience with Vasopressin & Alcohol (exp10787)". Nov 24, 2001.

4 shots insufflated Vasopressin
  2.5 shots oral Alcohol
I have used Vasopressin on occasion to see if it will enhance 'clarity of thought'. It definitely has some effects, but I have found thought clarity staying the same or decreasing. However, memories seem to be easier to retain, which is great if I need to learn a bunch of facts, fast.

Anyway, I took 4 puffs of Vasopressin last night - to see if it would motivate me or increase my organization while packing for a move. I got a lot done, and was feeling generally good, and so I thought - what the heck, I haven't had a drink of alcohol for over 2 months, might as well relax.

So at T+2h after taking the Vasopressin, I ingested (slowly) some port with some vodka - probably about 2-3 shots-worth in all. I was feeling very tipsy, which is unusual after 2 drinks, but surprisingly clear-minded. The stomach feeling was a bit uncomfortable, and I was in an unfamiliar mindspace. A certain discomfort and inner tension, much like 'coming up' on a tryptamine or phenethylamine was present. My blood pressure was slightly elevated.

It was then that I realized I was drinking lots of water - I had about 4 full glasses, which I always do when I drink alcohol, to ensure no hangover and fewer negative effects. So, I had consumed about 2 glasses of port/vodka and 4 glasses of water, yet I had no urge to pee -- I couldn't pee, my bladder was empty. Suddenly it struck me that it was NOT wise to drink so many liquids while taking Vasopressin - an anti-dieuretic. I couldn't sleep for a good 3 hours due to discomfort and a strange headache, and when I finally fell asleep and woke up this morning, I still didn't have to pee. It wasn't until about 12 hours later from taking the Vasopressin that I was finally able to pee and get some liquid (and processed alcohol, perhaps?) out of my system. I still feel slightly inebriated (which is crazy!) but I'm feeling much better now. I can't imagine having all those liquids in me all night, not going anywhere.

I have a slight headache this morning, and I will take the warnings about Vasopressin being an anti-dieuretic (and not drinking too much) more seriously next time.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10787
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 24, 2001Views: 27,757
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Vasopressin (224), Alcohol (61) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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