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Very Painful Maybe Lethal at Higher Dose
by Kev
Citation:   Kev. "Very Painful Maybe Lethal at Higher Dose: An Experience with Allylescaline (exp107883)". Feb 9, 2016.

100 mg oral Allylescaline
I took a rather large dose of this stuff because my two compadres told me there wouldn't be enough to split, so they suggested I take the whole lot. We looked online to make sure nobody has died from this amount and I saw on a few forums that 100mg was OK - someone had a sorta negative review, another was stoked about the experience. I'm usually good with these Shulgin drugs, and maybe have been a bit naive when it came to psychedelics - well I guess I learned my lesson.

I understand how powerful these things can be. I understand that some drugs have toxicity levels and others cause very negative side effects that make the whole experience unpleasant. I just have had largely positive experiences with drugs. And even when they are negative (say a horrible mushroom trip, or fuck I took too much 25b-NBOME) it's always had a sheen of cool and fun and eventually as I emerge from the dark twisted fractal mind-fuck I feel like I've accomplished something. Stupid, ignorant, naive - I know, but I started becoming a little more lax about being safe with these things. I think largely because I've taken quite a few Shulgin-types (foxys, moxys, 2cb, the nbomes, miprocin, etc etc) and I usually end up wishing I had more to try, I always hated under-dosing.

This allylescaline started out good. It felt a bit like mescaline. I even got sick like I usually do with mescaline and I threw up before it really came on. It wasn't as visual as mescaline was. It reminded me a little of the moxies I took a few years back - where things sorta breathe but kinda look exactly the same - it doesn't 'look' or feel like acid/shrooms/2cb - more like the subtle visual changes you get with MDMA in the daytime (without the godlike philosophical import endowed to the entire perspective field). Unlike moxy, this stuff had a growingly unpleasant body load. I was drinking water like crazy.

Suddenly, a weird situation came up where one of my friends left (he planned something else with another friend and straight up bailed). My other friend stayed with me but suddenly things started taking a turn for the worse. I started feeling lots of cardiovascular pain in the main artery in my neck, in my wrists, upper arm and legs. I tried to calm down but all I could think about was that I took this relatively untested drug, now I'm having severe pain throughout my body. Because the pain felt cardiovascular (it felt like how I would imagine someone having a heart attack or blockage in the veins feeling), I got more and more scared. The more scared I got, the higher my heart rate went and there- you can see the problem already. It's sorta this crazy thought loop and I got myself into an insane panic attack. I've never had a panic attack or anything close to it. But I honestly didn't know how to escape this. Even when I calmed down completely, I would feel the pain and it would be shooting down my arms and suddenly my heart rate was way up again. My friend was checking my pulse and making sure I was alright, I told her I wanted her to take me to the hospital. She was apprehensive and eventually a few other people got involved but they all agreed I was simply 'freaking myself out'.

Long story short, I didn't end up going to the hospital. I paced down this beach with my friend and she did her best to talk to me to keep my mind off things as 8 some hours passed and I survived the trip. When I came back home I had a headache unlike anything I've ever experienced before. My body felt weak, like I had aged 20 years. I felt frail and mortal and even thought I had done enough damage to kill me in my sleep that night (brain aneurysm, idk I guess I was paranoid... I've just never felt that frail before).

Be careful with this one guys! Be very careful. I suggest sticking with Shulgin's 25-30 mg if you 'have' to take it, if not skip it. I usually get quite a lot out of pyschs. I go on beautiful, scary, interesting head trips almost every time I take a psychedelic but this was nothing like that. Visually not interesting. No ego death, no real 'trip' except possibly a very painful experience and at worst (assuming everything I experienced was just my delusion) a kind of boring experience - a waste of $$ that could be spent on better, more interesting things. This wasn't even a nightmare bad-trip experience, it felt like if I took an assortment of random over-the-counter drugs (several cups full) and tried to kill myself but didn't and ended up feeling super shitty and stupid.

I've done a lot of psychedelics (too many to count) and I've never felt a need to write a trip report, even on the most revolutionary trips of my life - because they really only matter to me and words can barely capture the magic of a life-changing experience like that. This, on the other hand, necessitates a report. I feel a moral need to warn people from taking too much of this drug. I would hate for someone to repeat my mistake or even worse. Please be careful and make an informed choice. I don't know much about toxicity levels for psychedelics, but I've done so many and they have never 'hurt' the way this one did. I think if this one is potentially dangerous, I have touched the upper limits of where it would pass into a lethal dose and I just want this to be out there for people to see. Thanks!:)

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 107883
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Feb 9, 2016Views: 5,324
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