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Night Ride Trial
Citation:   CallMeGhost. "Night Ride Trial: An Experience with 2C-I (exp107921)". Oct 15, 2017.

T+ 0:00
10 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:15 2.5 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis  
I took 10 mg of 2ci, and took my dog for a walk during the come up. Since his leg is injured, our walks have been cut to about 15 minutes, I usually try to do 30 minutes (gives a better idea for total come up time when I stick to a schedule). When I got back home I took my usual shower, and got ready for bed. About 15 minutes later (+30) I felt a really strong body buzz, one that seemed to want me to do more than the usual trip at home.

I loaded a bowl with some headband (incredible sativa leaning strain) and decided to see if one of my friends still worked at an all night restaurant, to see if he'd be interested in trying some too. It was a nice night, about a quarter moon, but as I was feeling quite a buzz when I left the house, it seemed bright like a full moon. I smoked a couple bowls, and got on my bicycle. I was definitely not tripping when I left the house, but I knew it would be hitting me quickly. It was really dark on the trail, however the trees quickly began to get really wavy as well as thick. They were cut back about 5-10 feet from the sides of the trail, but after the first mile or so it seemed like they were able to touch me they were so close. I could see light patches all over, as if the sun was out, but in small 5 foot patches that rolled over the grass.

About 20 minutes from starting my bike ride, I was thinking, I feel great. I had so much energy, and I was in a good rhythm, I actually missed two exits to go to the restaurant and went 3-4 miles further than expected! About 3 miles down the trail (around hour 2-2.5), I redosed on probably 2-3 mg of 2ci. I was seeing fractals over the dark and lighter patches of the trail, and full on distortion waving visuals, very much like LSD. I was feeling so good though I wanted to extend the trip, which is why I redosed. Cars that were passing on the road developed bright pink/blue streamers for headlights, and tail lights turned purple/red and glowed more.

I was noticing forest animals more, like the squirrels and a fox, a few birds. It seemed like when I trip, the animals come out, and are less afraid of me (there were several birds which I spent a few minutes just watching and being fascinated by their actions, and a fox which for some reason I told it 'I'm not going to hurt you I just want to observe'). By the time I finally realized that the exit I needed was 2 miles ago, I decided to just go the longer route.

About two hours from when I started, I finally arrived where I wanted to go... Only to find out my friend wasn't there and the workers were all people I didn't know (except one) and the lobby was full of high school and freshman college students. I decided to go in anyway, since my friend was still there and the customers were drunk/stoned.

I went to the counter and asked the one guy I knew if my friend still worked there. Then I asked him for a cigarello because I just wanted to smoke more weed, the synergy was really good. However I had left my ID at home, so I was hopeful. He did not but offered a bowl to smoke out of but he wouldn't let me smoke in his car as the weed was too smelly. I didn't want to smoke outside as I would attract attention, so I didn't get to smoke as much as I wanted. I decided to sit and ride out some of the trip, inside the store, as the floor tiles and walls were running patterns and fractals that just ebbed and flowed. Everything was moving like that.

I still had a really amazing body high, so I got some water to hydrate, and then left. I smoked again on the trail, and again once I got home. The ride home was uneventful as the effects were the same as earlier but slowing down a bit. I missed the exit to go off the trail to my house, and ended up going a few miles out of the way. In total I rode between 15-20 miles that night, far more than I have ridden in a few months. I never got tired or worn out like I would on a normal bike ride that distance. Parts of the ride, I was riding as fast as I could, just because it felt good, and I wasn't getting tired. I got home around 3:30 am and spent a few hours watching the floor tiles continue the ebb and flow pattern. In total the trip lasted around 8-9 hours, definitely shorter than LSD, but the redose on the trail probably extended the trip.

This was my third experience with 2ci, and a very positive one at that. I definitely felt it gave me an energy boost, and I went to work the next day, so it wasn't very draining for me.

I had planned this trip in response to a forum query wondering if one could use psychedelics as a type of performance enhancer. With MY experience, I think that there is definitely something there to the theory.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107921
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Oct 15, 2017Views: 1,303
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2C-I (172) : Performance Enhancement (50), Combinations (3), General (1), Various (28)

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