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After About an Hour I Threw Up
Citation:   CallMeGhost. "After About an Hour I Threw Up: An Experience with 2C-I (exp107923)". May 5, 2017.

5 mg oral 2C-I
2C-I First Experiences

My first couple experiences with 2C-I might have turned some people off to it. My very first time was less than 5 mg, and for some reason, it made me very nauseous. I had previously drank one beer about 20 minutes before ingesting the 2C-I. A little less than an hour after, I felt really sick. I could not believe that I was about to throw up on such a small dose, but it happened. I was pretty bummed as I figured I threw up my dose too fast for it to get absorbed. However, during the next 4-5 hours (in complete darkness) I saw pink green and blue smoke CEV that were incredibly vivid and billowing just like smoke. However when I opened my eyes I did not see them with the lights on, I would only see the smoke in darkness or with a blanket or other surface less than 4-6 inches from my face.

My second 2C-I trip was almost identical, same dose, except that I drank no alcohol, and had a very light meal 3-4 hours prior. I experienced a lot less nausea, but again after about an hour I threw up, not quite as forcefully, and I was hoping I'd be able to have a little more absorbed. I saw a faint rippling of surfaces, and also the same aforementioned smokey coloring cev,

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107923
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: May 5, 2017Views: 1,669
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2C-I (172) : Unknown Context (20), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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