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Taiwan Coffee
Ketamine & Unknown (bk-MDEA?)
Citation:   2044532645. "Taiwan Coffee: An Experience with Ketamine & Unknown (bk-MDEA?) (exp107982)". Mar 2, 2016.

  repeated insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
    repeated oral Unknown (powder / crystals)
Ok, now this was a funny one. I'm an Australian guy in Taiwan with my friend. We both come here quite often to see our respective girlfriends who live here. The Chinese New Year finished a couple of days ago so my friend and I got some free time and decided to go out on the town in a city called Taichung. Back home we are both big weed smokers and we also dabble in various other party drugs. We went out and using my limited Chinese I tried to line us up a little bit of weed.

We found a guy but he told us weed is really rare here and we probably weren't gonna find any. We jumped in his car and out came a very large container filled with ketamine, lines were sniffed, we were all quite quickly reduced to a tripping mess. This was when the guy's other friend rocked up so we could ask for some weed. There wasn't any around and this guy looked like he was pinging hard (MDMA), he started to tell us 'Taiwan coffee very good' we asked what taiwan coffee was and were told it was something similar to ecstasy, we decided to buy a bag of it for about $20 (Aust), we also got a couple of grams of ketamine for good luck.

We were both smashed from the K at this stage so we floated on the clouds towards a local night market for some dumplings to eat. We went back to a hotel we got for the night and this is where it got messy. We racked up some huge lines of the K and just rolled with that for a few hours. When the K started to wear off a bit I remembered about the 'coffee' I had in my wallet. We lined it up, my friend, being the larger and more experienced of the two of us went first. He snorted up a line and his whole face went red, the expression was priceless. I, giggling heavily, asked him if he was ok. He said yeah but don't snort it! I licked up my line. At this stage we had no clue what it was, except that it tasted like MDMA. I was a mess, tripping and floating like a MDMA sort of high, my friend had had more and you could tell, he was contorting into some weird poses and just saying 'how can I be comfortable'.

We could both feel the whole world, electronic signals etc. and we had to fight the urge to start flying off the 6th floor balcony of the room. We tripped out for a bit pretty hard but the 'coffee' wore off quite quickly, maybe 45 minutes to an hour. At this stage it was about 6 am so I left, really wanting to spend some quality time with my girl. I woke up this afternoon and messaged a Taiwanese friend in Australia to ask him if he knew what this stuff was. He told me it might be Ethylone [bk-MDEA], it was bad news and sometimes used as a rape drug. I searched the web and decided to write about it because there is very little info on this stuff anywhere.

So in conclusion, this stuff is like MDMA but softer, also wearing off quicker. I don't have a clue about dosage or o.d. dosage. Handle with caution, hopefully this can be of help to the next person who doesn't have a clue what 'Taiwan coffee' is.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107982
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Mar 2, 2016Views: 5,284
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Ketamine (31), bk-MDEA (346) : What Was in That? (26), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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