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Psychologically and Physiologically Positive
Nutmeg & Quetiapine
Citation:   Neil_L. "Psychologically and Physiologically Positive: An Experience with Nutmeg & Quetiapine (exp108013)". Dec 15, 2017.

400 mg oral Pharms - Quetiapine (daily)
  20 g oral Nutmeg (ground / crushed)
Nutmeg as Detoxification

I do not smoke tobacco or drink alcohol. I never have taken any drugs. I consider my self to be a sober and intelligent person. I have been taking nutmeg as a way to loosen up and alleviate my boredom for several long years now.

When I first took it it did not seem to have much effect and there were no side effects. Not least of course the horrid taste was something to get around. However with repeat ingestion over several years I now no longer taste it. I am able to take it in by the teaspoonfull without the taste at all affecting me. I usually wash it down with a drink of lemonade or coke. My dose is three teaspoons. I find that I must be careful to make sure that I do not ingest too much as I find that it is too easy to take in more than is necessary.

I am finding that my body is very positively affected. It acts to loosen my abdominal movements. So long as I drink adequate water there is no dehydration. It is what I call a detoxification. I never vomit nor do I get any such nausea. It goes down into my system very well. I usually eat a meal to make sure that it gets carried down into my small intestine. Or I wash it down with some Cranberry Juice.

My experience with nutmeg must also be different to that experienced by others due to the fact that since 1995 I have been diagnosed as Schizophrenic although I have always been Schizophrenic. However as of 1995 I have been taking 400 mg of 'Seroquel' [quetiapine] each day as anti-psychotic. Since my body system is fully altered by the quetiapine I wonder if thus I am experiencing the nutmeg rather differently than is the case with persons normally.

The psychological effects are not immediate. The effects begin several hours after ingestion. The effects last for two or three days. I take it only once a week at the most. There is no craving. I do not detect any addictive effects at all.

Perception of time is altered. It is like having drunk a bottle of wine or a couple of cans of lager. Whilst affected I am not able to talk to other people. In fact I find that I cannot understand anything they are saying. At higher doses I can easily imagine that persons would endure hallucinations and in some cases the possibility of seizures. I have not yet experienced any hallucinations or seizures. My experience is psychologically and physiologically positive.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108013
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 58
Published: Dec 15, 2017Views: 2,520
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