Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
As a Replacement Opiate
Citation:   Doctor49. "As a Replacement Opiate: An Experience with U-47700 (exp108023)". Feb 23, 2016.

25 mg IM U-47700
I would like to share my experience since there is not much out there pertaining to U-47700.

The day I ordered this substance I was not sure how much to get because I didn't know if this was going to be something I was just trying or something I was going to use on a daily basis. This is because I have to use opiates daily. I am disabled due to my back being messed up because of a fall I took in the USMC.

I was looking for a substitute for the Dilaudid I take daily. The dilles aren't expensive but I needed more let's say.

I received a nice white powder that seemed to smell like cocaine. I took my new accurate milligram scale and measured out 5mg and dissolved it in DI(deioized)water. I am a chemist, by the way. At least I was. Anyway, I always test a small amount first. I don't have the equipment to test it like I would normally. The first dose had no effect. Then, I measured out another 20 mg and added it to the solution. I put 0.5 ml in a syringe and I IM'ed It after 5 minutes I started to feel the warm and nice feeling of the opiate. But, as a daily opiate user I needed more. In about 30 minutes I injected the rest. Then, I felt the full effects of the substance.

It came on nicely with that warm and really good but light orgasmic feeling that I get with heroin. I was quite surprised because costing maybe $1-$2 per dose I could not believe it. I would rather have this than a roxy any day.

So, I have now replaced my dilaudid with U-47700. I just mix up a batch every few days . I would not recommend mainlining this substance much because I started to get swelling in my hands. It has the same feeling as heroin when injected it in the vein, by using it IM lasts longer, maybe 4-6 hours.

Let me put this out there. I had swelling in my hands even after I stopped IVing this substance. So be careful folks


Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108023
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 51
Published: Feb 23, 2016Views: 14,092
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U-47700 (694) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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