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A Floppy Review
by Anon
Citation:   Anon. "A Floppy Review: An Experience with Prednisone (exp108041)". Mar 6, 2016.

40 mg oral Pharms - Prednisone
Recently I was prescribed 40mg of Prednisone per day in the morning. After reading all the other trip reports I was a bit concerned. However, I had a completely different experience. I'm currently on day 3, but here's how its been thus far:

Day 1: Took 40mg and went to work. Felt happier at work than normal. Ended up staying up till 4 in the morning because I couldn't sleep.

Day 2: Wake up at 10 am and take 40mg with 200mg of caffeine. Feel happier all day and pass out at 10 pm.

Day 3: Wake up at 9 am and take my 40mg with 200mg of caffeine. Definitely still feel more sociable and happier.

The only downside I've noticed with prednisone is it absolutely kills my libido.
The only downside I've noticed with prednisone is it absolutely kills my libido.
And I mean completely, I can't even get an erection. But since I'm single its not that huge of a con.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108041
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Mar 6, 2016Views: 5,502
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Pharms - Prednisone (226) : General (1), Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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