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Pain and Puking
Citation:   Sacredcowburger. "Pain and Puking: An Experience with Calamus (exp10806)". Jul 15, 2002.

8 Tbsp oral Calamus (liquid)
I first heard of calamus in Legal Highs. It sounded good so I decided to give it a try. Despite the often negative reports here at Erowid, the stuff was too cheap not to at least sample.

My friend and I put 6 tablespoons in 2 cups of water and boiled it until we had a pretty dark tea. After sipping down the rancid concoction (this was most definitely the worst taste I've ever had in my mouth), we felt absolutely nothing. After waiting an hour or so, we boiled up ten more tablespoons in 3 cups and split it. I was barely able to force myself to swallow this down, it was so bad, but some how we did it. I felt a little nauseous at this point just from so much bitterness, but I didn't put much into it.

A few hours later we were feeling a little bit off of our stomachs, so we decided to go grab some lunch at a little barbecue shack. Very tasty. Feeling a little better, we drove over to see a friend of ours at his job. He got us in for a free round of miniature golf, but it was hard to enjoy because we were both starting to feel extremely nauseous with crazy stomach pains like someone was twisting my guts. My friend retired to the bathroom where he emptied his guts. He said he felt a little better, but when we drove home he had to pull over several times to puke again (much to the displeasure of some soccer mom driving next to us).

Back at his place, we were both pretty heavily sick. He heaved a couple more times in his bathroom. The pain in my stomach was becoming overwhelming so I gagged myself (something I had never done before and hopefully won’t have to do again), resulting in the best puking of my life. I mean exorcist-style blasts of vomit. A good minute and change. One large order of barbecued links all over my friend’s bushes. It should be noted that I did not get that whole nasty acidic feeling in my throat that one usually gets in my throat. It happens to be my personal theory that the stuff in some way got rid of all of our stomach acid, since it is used in smaller doses as a cure for hyperacidity.

Anyway, I felt a good deal better after that and I went home shortly after. The only lingering affect was that every once in a while for about a week later I would feel a little sick because I thought I could smell or taste the horrible stuff. In conclusion, no high whatsoever, but excellent vomiting.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10806
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 15, 2002Views: 15,635
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Calamus (106) : First Times (2), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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