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Nothing Special but Very Nice
Morning Glory
Citation:   Shaggy. "Nothing Special but Very Nice: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp108113)". Jul 10, 2019.

150 - 200 seeds oral Morning Glory
As background, I am fairly new to the world of psychedelics. I have decided to record my times with these drugs as harm prevention, and educational reasons.

9:45 150 MG seeds. Chewed for 2 minutes. Tasted like a Leaf.
9:47 Swallowed with water
10:00 effects include maybe a bit of stomach ache and my eyes feel weird.
10:10 more stomach discomfort
10:20 feelings of vasoconstriction in my legs.
10:26 Sat up. Huge flush of nausea.
10:52 no noticeable effects at this point. Should I be feeling more?
10:52 no noticeable effects at this point. Should I be feeling more?

10:58 wall slightly breathing. Placebo?
11:20 music is good, makes me feel pretty good
11:42 playing Elite. Space is very comforting.
11:50 fuzzy sight, but I can read still.
12:09 in bed. CEVs?
12:15 hard to walk straight. Almost giving up on this trip.
12:26 only been 11 minutes? Music seemed like an eternity. CEVs good
12:39 getting lost in music is easy
12:44 pupil dilation is noticeable

1:00 going to redose and hope for better things
1:05 about 150-200 seeds out.
1:10 puked after first ones in my mouth. Feeling next to nothing.
1:15 watching TV.
1:19 feeling fuzzy, like a blanket draped on the couch
1:45 gentle euphoria. Turned to a jail show on TV. Very sweet ending with a inmate proposing. She said yes.
2:08 going to bed, feel very at one with everything.

9:30am Just woke up, had very nice, geometric dreams.
9:50 Today I feel very hippyish. Like, I feel very loving and happy.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108113
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 10, 2019Views: 504
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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