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Six or Seven Milligrams Was Good for Me
Citation:   Splinter. "Six or Seven Milligrams Was Good for Me: An Experience with U-47700 (exp108167)". Mar 25, 2016.

  repeated insufflated U-47700 (liquid)
Relaxing with U-47700

Yesterday, I was bored and decided to experiment with some U-47700 for the first time. It is a synthetic opiate, or at least mimics one.

I poured saline solution into a 30 ml nasal spray bottle. Then, I weighed 300 mg of U-47700. Used a card to scoop all of it off my mg scale, and poured it into the bottle as well. I screwed the cap on tight, gave it a warm bath and shook it for about 30 minutes until it was all dissolved.

The nasal spray bottle I used dispenses .1 ml per spray, so 1 spray = 1 mg. I bought this bottle off amazon, very cheap and efficient.

Last night I did about 15 sprays/mg, and today I have done about 12. It feels like oxycodone, and I am at a low dose. People are saying to use about 25 mg for the sweet spot, but I am 30 and weigh 265 lbs with lots of previous opioid experience, and 6 or 7 mg was good for me. This is a really bad ass compound to say the least. It made me itch and nod just like the real thing. Just have to be careful with it. Make sure you have a calibrated mg scale and a way to measure how much you are taking.

The only drawback is it only lasts for about and hour and a half. Other than that, great experience.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108167
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Mar 25, 2016Views: 9,852
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U-47700 (694) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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