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Beautiful - Not Transcendental
Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & Mimosa tenuiflora)
Citation:   Olivier. "Beautiful - Not Transcendental: An Experience with Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & Mimosa tenuiflora) (exp108175)". Oct 12, 2019.

T+ 0:00
5 g oral Syrian Rue (seeds)
  T+ 0:20 10 g oral Mimosa tenuiflora (tea)
5 g Peganum Harmala (Syrian rue) + 10 g Mimosa Hostilis
1st experience : 2 flops (interesting : what not to do).
2nd experience : promising, beautiful, not transcendental.

The psychonaut : 38 y / 5 ' 10''/ more than 120 pounds / no car by choice so I cannot not be fit/ friendly workplace, nice environment / vegetarian, mostly raw, organic, seeds, sprouted spelt, seaweeds, spices, fibers, dairies, some fruit, 2 pints of… home-made chocolate every morning, no coffee, no alcohol, no tobacco, no nothing and no psychedelics until last week. Usually wait till sunset to have one or two hearty meals, intellectually active until the wee hours, a 20-minute nap every day. No stress of any sort (almost).
→ Bottom line : optimal conditions.

Saturday 12 March 2016: slowly crunched and swallowed 5 g of Syrian rue (Peganum Harmala), then, 20 minutes later, drank a bowl of Mimosa Hostilis, 10 g boiled for one hour. I had a tea in the afternoon and some ginger tea. I later heeded the advice read in a report that we should avoid drinking anything a few hours before the mimosa brew, so that it doesn't stay in the stomach. Also, the next time I would reduce the mimosa brew to a small quantity, so that the whole goes down faster
next time I would reduce the mimosa brew to a small quantity, so that the whole goes down faster
, no clogging or gagging, and I can sip a little water after that.

I vomited too soon. Gave up. One or two hours later though started to feel wobbly especially in the legs, swaying, fully conscious, I switched the lights, went to bed, had beautiful fractal patterns for a short time, grinning with pleasure at the beauty of it but fully aware that this was very beautiful but definitely not the answer to life, the universe and everything. Ate some raw muesli after that and ordered a grinder that had a good rating by flax aficionados.

Sunday 13 March 2016 : chocolate in the morning, then nothing. In the late afternoon I crunched and swallowed some of the remaining 5 g Syrian rue and boiled some of the seeds, then added the solid remnant from yesterday's mimosa, boiled everything, added some vinegar (to ''protonate the amines''!!), squeezed a little citrus into it, boiled a long time, two hours, the reasoning was, let's try to really boil that and liberate all the alcaloids, I'm going to get you. Drank it when there was only a small quantity of the liquid.
No nausea, and… nothing.

Well, the rue was not grinded, neither was the mimosa bark, maybe it was boiled too much, maybe some caramelization had taken place (sugar in the drops of orange/pomelos, and even some, but very little, in the cider vinegar). Scolded myself. Amateurish. Botched up.

Saturday 19 March: chocolate in the morning, the nothing. Two hours before sunset, ground the rue, 5 g, to a fine powder. Boiled it, with a teaspoon cider vinegar, not too hot but still boiling – wondering where to draw the line between releasing the alcaloids and avoiding destroying them, for one hour but next time I'll just boil it gently a half hour and pour it in a bowl while doing for the mimosa. The mimosa needs a harsh treatment, not the rue, it seems. It's a clear green liquid, doesn't cause any nausea or make me want to vomit. Added some mint-flavored 'betaine' which is citrate and trimethylglycine, supposedly for digestion but I use it as a cheap source of TMG (supposedly good against homocysteine and other things), after the boiling.

Ground 10 g mimosa to a fine powder, boiled it for more than one hour in 2 liters water, didn't do several boils and re-mixing and reducing (some people do that to release more alcaloids, I will try this another time), with very little cider vinegar. Got a small bowl of the brew, added the mint-flavoured citrate ('betaine') and squeezed a few drops of grapefruit. The liquid is easy to swallow, but it does make me want to vomit after 2 or 3 minutes. Did some breathing, sat, took a few steps, opened the windows to have some fresh air (10 degrees Celsius, light wind, nice), sat, breathed carefully, gagged / belched and was careful to exhale fully and not let in the air, so that it would go down.

After a few minutes, it seemed OK. Read a little in the bed, with my back propped by cushions. The same vertigo as last Saturday set in, I switched the lights and watched.

Beautiful fractals, imagery like the images on a computer screen when you 'watch' an audio track, etc. Thought like a neurologist, those are the neurons firing randomly, etc. Very glad to see that, though, but still waiting for the entities. My questions were, What am I, what is the nature of consciousness, of things, so-called matter, of time, how can I become lucid in my dreams. From years of reading, listening, thinking, I have gotten the conviction that the basic substance of everything is mental (don't ask for technicalities!), and I knew that I would project this on everything that I would experience, and I did. I analyse my thoughts all the time, watch the observer...

At times, had some silly Alice-in-Wonderland carnavalesque scenery, vivid colours, in a bright white background (the other, more 'spiritual' patterns tend to be in a black background). Beautiful but silly. I thought it might be a visual answer to what the universe is and what we are – a play – that I would not have a verbal answer (The Bard Terence says that the mushroom speaks English…) and then thought that this is too intellectual, rational, it's me analysing a picture as an academician would, it's me thinking, not emotionally, purely intellectual, sapid stupid Greek rhetoric, doesn't feel like a message from somewhere else. I wished them away.

It came back a few times. Wished it away, to be replaced by more fractal, darkish patterns. The same for lurid imagery, this is definitely not the aim, wished it away. Seemed as if something was trying to lure me away, distract me, and I thought that I was probably just wishfully surmising that there might be something 'outside' interacting with me, when it was just me thinking/projecting.
I thought that I was probably just wishfully surmising that there might be something 'outside' interacting with me, when it was just me thinking/projecting.

Some dark entities. Interesting, but did not last. I went to the bathroom for a pee and sipped a little water, then it was replaced by another scenery. At one time, had plenty of black tarantulas crawling in the visual landscape (only visual – not tactile). No fright. Coolly thinking that at worst it would be ruggy (the legs), a painful stab, that's it. I thought that if this thing, the DMT or whatever is behind the imagery, is capable of inducing such visuals in my mind it is also able to induce other mental states like agonizing pain. That wouldn't be nice. I thought, humbly, whatever you are or this is, I get it, I don't need ''the experience'', thank you.

At times, not often, some serpents, dragon-headed serpents… Glad to see them. At the exact same time, I thought that of course I would be seeing serpents, because I wanted to see them and I had read Jeremy Narby's book about DNA a fortnight ago. If I were wishing for white rabbits I would probably…

In the middle of the experience I made a conscious (of course) decision to let go of the intellectual poo-poohing. My readings, etc.… have convinced, bla, bla, cf Sheldrake, telepathy and a million other pointers to evidence of the 'mental' structure of everything, so instead of rejecting everything as probably projection, 'illusion' (like arrogant self-styled skeptics à la Schermer in Scientific American), I would welcome it as a more real reality than reality and this will not get me the Nobel for literature. I enjoyed the rest of the visuals, even without entities.

I had read about a buzzing sound. Mine was a frightening bang, like a cannonball alarm-clock that jerked me awake – maybe I was 'drifting' ? Followed by beautiful (always) black-greenish Mayan-style ('evil') scenery. Bring it on! But I went to the bathroom (not for vomiting) and a sip of water and the visuals was different when I returned to the mental television.

During all the time I had to be careful not to vomit, I wanted to have the most DMT or whatever (in Narby's book the ayahuasqueros claim that carbolines, not DMT, are the main psychedelic ingredient). Towards the end it was clear that I would not have that problem.

I thought it had lasted 2 or 3 hours but it seemed to have been 3 or 4. Felt good, no euphoric, perfectly fine, it's over, not willing to sleep because of a feeling that some remaining really slight nausea would make it difficult, ate some raw muesli at 2 am, did some work on the computer, went to bed at 4:30, up at 9 am, full of energy and mental clarity – as usual.

Bottom line :
These are simple products that help you explore your consciousness at home without having to fly to Peru. Promising - very interesting – and the sheer beauty of it and the apparent innocuousness and simplicity make it worthwhile, it's like a beautiful lucid dream (only the visuals, though – no flying) -- providing I grind everything, and arrange for the mimosa to be a big cup and not a big bowl.

I will do many experiments to find the appropriate 'recipe' for myself. Preparing everything and swallowing the mixtures (mimosa 20-30 min after P.H.) everything during two hours seems good enough. I am healthy, light-weight so I understand that the dosage, preparation, effects… will be different for everyone. I myself have to try a few variations (for example, separate boils for mimosa and then reducing). Also, I think that the body after even one try will 'recognize' the mimosa brew and not reject it so it's easier to prevent the vomiting.

I thank all the psychonauts who have shared their experiences.

Olivier, from France

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108175
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 38
Published: Oct 12, 2019Views: 952
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Mimosa tenuiflora (74), Syrian Rue (45), Huasca Combo (269) : Alone (16), Entities / Beings (37), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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