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Molecular Samadhi
Citation:   InnerExplorer. "Molecular Samadhi: An Experience with 3-MeO-PCP (exp108202)". Apr 17, 2016.

10 mg IM 3-MeO-PCP
First experience, 5mg insufflated:
I am delighted with the quality of the headspace which is completely clear and present. Zen, or satori-like. During the peak, everything shone brightly and edges were more defined. Very calm and relaxed. Once again, present. Was able to maintain a handstand for longer than I have ever had before--total energy and muscle control. Feeling is like a 'more real' MDMA without any sort of emotional push.

With 5mg IM and DMT smoked at the peak, a state of oneness with All that Is was reached.
With 5mg IM and DMT smoked at the peak, a state of oneness with All that Is was reached.
Quote from journal: Buddha Consciousness in one moment. This life has been blessedly given to me to do what I wish. I felt my capacity for healing had been highlighted, I felt that 'I understand now'.

For a moment, I was shown what it is to be One with all things and King of all Kings. My true Being unfolded.

Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

Breathe. Be thankful. Love Always.

10 mg IM:
t+0:02 - Warm, relaxed flush coming over my body. Quite comfortable.
t+0:05 - Some lethargy present, feeling all mental obstacles melting away. Feels like there is nothing I cannot do. All obstructions are mere illusions from the right perspective. Slightly horny, finding fantasy quite easy. All soreness and pain gone. Will close my eyes for a bit with music for a bit.
t+0:17 - Buzzy, warm dissociation present. Laying back.
t+0:23 - Feeling so good and warm. Cozy and surfing mind waves.
t+0:30 - Most beautiful bliss. Total peace, center. Heart is wide open.
t+0:50 - Dissociation present, yet feel very comfortable in my skin. Able to reflect on thought processes that may have been responsible for twisted thinking/depression.
t+1:00 - The flush is somewhat over, continued analgesia and moderate dissociation. Some stimulation becoming apparent. Going to take a shower.
t+2:12 - Feeling quite good, at peace, dissociated but able to problem solve very effectively. Smooth, present, feeling of well-being. At live music and it feels great. I don't quite feel like 'God' as people have said PCP feels, but just feel really good with a touch of realism. I definitely get the feeling that I can accomplish whatever I choose to do. I also wish everyone could have this experience, so empowered yet so at peace. I do not feel numbed from reality, yet I am an observer and participant.

t+2:15- feeling intoxicated to the level of one or two beers. Mild buzz body-wise. And now that on-top-of-the-world feeling comes on. I feel so at peace and content, full of love that I could accomplish whatever. I am reminded of my eternal power. The music has a big impact on this. I feel the best I've ever felt in my life well sorta in a way. So difficult to grasp the perfection of this molecule. Definitely can see how this molecule could induce catatonia in an overdose but if used responsibly this can be an incredible tool. Wow.

Dancing felt great afterwards for a while, and then engaging in deep conversation about life and what I would like to accomplish. Felt very honest, like I would on MDMA but without the gushiness. It felt very much like myself having a normal conversation except that the content was straight from my heart. Effects dwindled down at the 5 hour mark, yet cognitive enhancement and processing continued past the 11 hour mark. Could take or leave sleep. Incredible awareness of synchronicity and expression of Core Self.

Note about dosing: I have decided it may be best to wait about 5-7 days between doses at minimum.
I have decided it may be best to wait about 5-7 days between doses at minimum.
The comedown from one decent dose (7-12mg) left a great afterglow for a day or two but I noticed that if I redosed too soon, the comedown would be accentuated by a certain listlessness and borderline anhedonia. I think this is due to the long half-life and reabsorption into the body via the bladder. I am curious about how this continues to have psychological effects without continuing what would be a noticeable 'high', which seems to have a definite end at the 5 hour mark, followed by several hours of enhanced cognitive ability and wakefulness. This aftereffect is different from a stimulant high, which might be characterized as 'speedy'. Instead, one feels quite relaxed yet able to employ mental energy quite easily.

Even after experience with a wide range of psychoactive compounds, the 'transcendental bliss' or 'state of samadhi' provided by 3-MeO-PCP is unmatched. It is so distinct that one could not fully understand unless one had had the experience of this mind state in the normal waking state of consciousness in the past (which I have). What shocks me is how reliably it can produce this state of mind.

Exp Year: 2015ExpID: 108202
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 17, 2016Views: 10,286
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