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Highly Dilute Urine with Dried Urine
Urine Testing
Citation:   Throgmorton. "Highly Dilute Urine with Dried Urine: An Experience with Urine Testing (exp10838)". Erowid.org. Nov 27, 2001. erowid.org/exp/10838

I don't claim to have a fool proof method for passing piss tests, but here's one that some of you might not have thought of that worked for me.

If you know you are going to be tested, excercise, sweat, drink cranberry juice, do whatever you think will help get whatever is in there out of your system for as long as possible before the test. Get some dehydrated urine from somewhere (it's easier to find than it sounds) or apparently you can make your own by putting clean pee in a jar and waiting for it to dry, then scrping the jar. This sounds kinda risky, though--I don't know what happens to piss that sits in jars long enough to dry out.

Anyway, the day of the test drink a hell or a lot of water, caffeinated beverages, and cranberry juice and piss as many times as you can. The idea is to be pissing nothing but 98.6 degree water. Then, when you take the test, put the powdered urine in the cup, then pee a couple seconds into the toilet (first part is supposed to have the most drug metabolites in it) and the rest in the cup.

Your 98.6 degree water will reconstitute the urine, and a small vial of powdered urine is easier to conceal than a condom full of piss strapped to your thigh.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10838
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 27, 2001Views: 17,761
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Drug Testing (59) : Not Applicable (38), General (1)

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