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Not the Sparkle or Rush of Acid
Mushrooms - P. cubensis
Citation:   Alexander Shulgin. "Not the Sparkle or Rush of Acid: An Experience with Mushrooms - P. cubensis (exp108467)". May 7, 2016.

1.5 g   Mushrooms - P. cubensis
[This report originally appeared as handwritten notes in Book 9, pages 1114 of the Shulgin Lab Books.]

++ May 7, 1994 ATS

1.5g crushed fruitings of cultured P. cubensis (Lot B) at 6:00pm.
:20 aware
:30 going up - at best - some speckled patterning with eyes closed

8-9PM (2-3 hr) at desk - slight intoxication - not the sparkle or rush of acid. Movie - Woody Allen with manhattan murder - contrived but funny - typical W.A. not bother with Columbo. tired and heavy of tummy at [7] so to bed. (2 bowls of soup - heavy).

AM - completely OK.

AP [Ann Perry] at strange, dark +++ with 1,5g - vigorous writing as soon as she could see the keyboard through the patterns. Will write chapter. She aware :15, :25 shooting up -

Exp Year: 1994ExpID: 108467
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 68
Published: May 7, 2016Views: 2,744
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Mushrooms - P. cubensis (66) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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