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The Blue Brain Neuron
by Doc
Citation:   Doc. "The Blue Brain Neuron: An Experience with DMT (exp108514)". Dec 2, 2021.

60 mg vaporized DMT
Mindset- I don't experience anything other than pure blissful happiness at any given time of the day 365 days a year. I don't feel anger nor do understand stress. I meditate and am completely one with myself and the universe.

Preparation- We hung several strands of xmas lights all around the house and a blotch of beautiful blue ones above the fire mantle. One friend weighed out the DMT and one friend heated up the dab bong to around 700 degrees ( just below glowing hot) Also it's a good idea to have a glass of glacier cool water in hands reach for after the trip.

60 mg carefully weighed out on a scooped tipped metal dab stick, the nail glowing red hot. Bong filled with fresh water and I sit comfortably on a lazy boy recliner wondering what the future will bring and contemplating the gravity of my current situation. I took a deep breathe as I looked graciously at the powder dissipate into vapor as it touched the nail. I clear the giant hit and hold it in and start counting. 1.. 2...3... 4.... 5..... 6...... 7.........

Boom! I let out the hit and what happens next completely and will forever be ingrained in my mind for the rest of my life. The room turned a dull gray and time stopped completely with reality still visual but stuck at this moment in life. My brothers who helped to guide me on this journey were looking at me, their bodies motionless, breathless, skin a meaningful grey. Christmas lights were draped across the apartment to improve the atmosphere and were hanging from the ceiling above the mantle which were a warm but bright blue. Listening to Clair de lune slowly fade and Echo away I close my eyes. Instantly I see an explosion of geometry mix with the vivid blue lights with my eyes closed and the lights transformed and melted into a mist and the energy consumed my closed eye visuals. Constructing itself It danced and spun around this unfamiliar black space and I watched the energy move trans-dimensionally for what seemed like forever.

I opened my eyes to see what has became of my motionless body. Time still frozen in the same frame of which I was stuck in seconds after my hit... I see the blue xmas lights which was the only color that stood out in this gray scale moment... The lights dangling from the ceiling sparked as if they were pulsating with lightning and morphed into what I can call the tip of a microscopic neuron in the brain, perhaps a distant galaxy, which continued to fill, flow, and pulsate with energy. Absolutley Amazing I thought to myself as the world around me started to become wierd and unfamiliar and the ever so lightly screech morphed into an entrenching scream.

The beautiful blue brain neuron faded and disappeared and my reality started to shatter, literally. The walls cracked and dissolved into pixels as it fell to the ground like glass from a broken mirror. Watching my world fall apart and depixilize I was left floating in a void or a place in space time dimension. I do remember noticing stars and watched them for a few moments admiring the crystal white glistening floating balls. And I remember the deep blackness. Seconds or minutes later I was shot out into the forward beyond like a rocket not knowing what lie ahead but was reassured by the energy that enshrouded me that everything would be fine. I knew I was ok but holy fucking mother of god I thought to myself. I felt like I was uppercutted by DMT Chuck Norris into a different Galaxy.

Falling backwards through my DNA and not knowing how long I was shooting through this space at light speed I looked ahead and saw my destination. A world made out of the most intense/ intellectual energy I could ever witnessed. The size was unfathomable and the city which I was graciously brought to became closer and closer. A group of the most spectacular beings welcomed me telepathically. They don't use words and don't speak a familiar language but they can communicate through telepathy. Multi headed Aztec machines/humans filled me with knowledge and certainty.

After this it all goes blank unfortunately. The last thing I remember was these beings giving me an option. To stay with them and live many lives and achieve infinite wisdom and peace to be returned to my mortal body with 0 to slight recollection of my expierence, or to visit and observe and take back what I could and to visit them another day. I went with life, the experience, and there my story ends. I may not remember the thousands of years of travels and friendships and infinite teachings but I do have the feeling like I was in some type of limbo of unconstructed DMT consciousness. The following is how I felt when coming out of it.

I opened my eyes expecting to still be lodged in this greyscale time paradox. Every ounce of my soul is used to tilt my head away from the floresent blue xmas lights and I point my nogan directly towards my friends where time peeled off of them and movement slowly creeped up through their body to their faces. I remember the pixels coming to life in their faces. I looked at them and said 'Someone fucking say something'. They all chuckled and asked how it was and other questions spectators usually ask after watching such a show. I said 'I love you guys with all my heart and I can't explain how good it feels to hear a human voice' and continued to explain everything that had happened. Hearing their voices will forever be one of the most tranquil sounds I have ever heard.

I was born and raised Christian, converted to Catholic, and now I believe I am a Buddhist. After this experience I do have some troubling thoughts towards reality and the validity of our existence. The feeling I was left with after blacking out in DMT land was that everything about our life is a repetitive cycle.
The feeling I was left with after blacking out in DMT land was that everything about our life is a repetitive cycle.
Not referring to day to day activities but our life's. We live the same life in the same era with the exact same outcome infinitely. Live die repeat. Ever since I was several years young I was always told I had an incredible amount of wisdom and was always reminded what an old soul I have been. Perhaps I was strong with the force? The force that is the undeniable fact that there is this massive amount of unfathomable energy that humans can tap into without the drug. It's there but not there. Maybe it is a part of us? Maybe we are a part of it? Perhaps it's always there, perhaps I've met with it in each point in my existence, perhaps we all have, of course some people being closer to it than others..... All I know is time is irrelevant...

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 108514
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 2, 2021Views: 756
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), General (1)

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