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Has Worked for About a Week for Nightmares
by Drew
Citation:   Drew. "Has Worked for About a Week for Nightmares: An Experience with Prazosin (exp108571)". May 30, 2016.

2 mg oral prazosin (daily)
I am not very good at providing a straight report without drawing personal issues into it.

Here it is in short:
I dream of lucid nightmares that make for extensively long and painful nights.
This is my every day and has been for years.
I've had enough long ago.
I get bullied, stabbed and shot repeatedly in my sleep every night and it hurts like you wouldn't believe.
Threatened every night by my own ego, I am not permitted to sleep, or care for myself anymore. Without Prazosin It feels like a single night is longer than my waking days. Without Prazosin for the first 2 years, when the nightmares all began; I gave up, over and over again. I must be a sucker for pain and suffering though because I've kept myself alive this whole time some how.

Prazosin has worked for about a week for me. I'm a victim of nightmares, lucid dreaming and have been afraid to sleep every night for a few years now. For this reason I've lost the playfulness or happiness I used to have. If anyone having similar issues is out there doing a search on how to stop nightmares from consuming their life, ask about Prazosin. I'm not sure if I'm saved yet, but if not, well, the week-long break I got was all I needed to make up my mind about what comes next. I wish I knew about this med before all of my memories were ruined.

Prazosin: No Side Effects for me. And no recreational value unless you consider escaping the grasp of your worst fears a high, which for me it is. Its 3:30 AM for me.
I'm terrified as usual.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108571
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: May 30, 2016Views: 7,030
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prazosin (627), Dreams (85) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Medical Use (47), Alone (16)

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