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Seemingly Rapid Tolerance
Propylhexadrine & Various
Citation:   White Stallion. "Seemingly Rapid Tolerance: An Experience with Propylhexadrine & Various (exp108592)". Feb 7, 2022.

250 mg oral Pharms - Propylhexedrine  
  75 mg oral Pharms - Venlafaxine  
  25 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline  
  20 mg oral Hydroxyzine  
    repeated oral Pharms - Propylhexedrine  
  30 mg oral Hydroxyzine  
  2 capsls oral Kava (extract)
I discovered propylhexadrine around a decade ago; I don’t remember how I first heard about it, and I also don’t remember why I stopped using it, although an increase in access to opioids was probably the reason. I’m guessing that in the long, drawn-out painkiller-induced fog that came afterward I just kind of forgot about it. Nonetheless, I remember enjoying it immensely during the brief period of time that I dabbled with it.

Flash forward to three days ago – after reminiscing about a particularly good, completely random experience that I’d had with dextroamphetamine recently (another substance that I hadn’t touched in nearly a decade; I found a huge bottle in a family member’s medicine cabinet while searching for opioids), I decided to do an online search for “propylhexadrine” to see what would pop up. Much to my surprise and delight I discovered that the benzedrex inhalers were still on the market and could even be purchased online.

I figured that by now benzedrex had been placed behind pharmacy counters and tightly monitored, just like pseudoephedrine and other meth precursors; after all, these inhalers were known for providing a legal high ten years ago, so you would have thought the powers that be would have put a stop to that by now. However, when I inquired about benzedrex inhalers with the pharmacist at my local chain drugstore, she came out from behind the counter and walked me over to the cold and allergy section. There they were, in the exact same place I’d last seen them a decade ago. I purchased one, left the store, and made quick work of breaking the inhaler open, tearing the cotton rod containing the drug into halves, and ingesting the two pieces (250 mg in total).

Though I felt a slight increase in energy and well-being within an hour of ingestion, it wasn’t the full-on euphoric bliss that I seemed to recall from before, and I was somewhat skeptical that anything significant would happen. I returned to my work office approximately two hours after leaving the drugstore. When I opened up my email account I found a particularly nasty message from someone who’d participated in a program that I administer. I am extremely averse to conflict, so the email caused the typical fight-or-flight upsurge of various chemicals in my brain. Then, all of a sudden…


It felt like a thousand bolts of electricity were shooting across the surface of my skull, similar to the feeling I get from a really good orgasm (perhaps even better).

The rush didn’t last long, but once it dissipated I was left in what I would call a classically “speedy” state: energetic, extremely focused, happy, a little bit edgy but not overwhelmingly so. I continued to have minor rushes throughout different parts of my body, and at random intervals, for a couple hours after that first one. That evening I went for a 10-mile run with my roommate. I was concerned about my heart rate and blood pressure getting too high, so I made sure that we ran relatively slowly until the last couple of miles. As I’d expected, I felt great during the run, and I really enjoyed the conversations that we had throughout (he had no idea I was high). Furthermore, the endorphin high that I experienced afterward was arguably the best “runner’s high” that I’d ever had.

I took my usual daily regimen of venlafaxine (75 mg) and sertraline (25 mg) not long after my run. I usually take these in the morning but I’d forgotten to that day. I thought they might help with coming down and sleeping, and it had been long enough since I’d taken the propylhexadrine that I figured the risk of having an adverse interaction was extremely low by this point. I also took 20 mg of hydroxyzine approximately two hours later as I was getting ready for bed. When I got into bed I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to sleep, as I still felt mentally stimulated, but soon enough I started to feel groggy and the next thing I knew it was morning.

Seeing as I’d slept fairly well and didn’t seem to feel any negative or lingering after-effects from the day before, I decided to eat another cotton right after waking up. This time I cut it into multiple pieces. As with the day before, I felt a slight increase in energy and an elevation of my mood within the first hour; however, the euphoric rush and further increase in stimulation that I’d experienced before never came, and I felt significantly edgier. Figuring that I hadn’t taken enough, I decided to consume another cotton five hours after taking the first one. And then a third one five hours after that. I didn’t want to consume them too close together for fear of potentially dangerous consequences, but I’d also hoped that the repeated dosing and steady buildup of propylhexadrine in my system would eventually put me right back where I’d been the first time. But alas, that never happened.

That night I consumed 30 mg of hydroxyzine and two kava capsules containing 75 mg of kavalactones each (a relatively small dose) before bed. Despite this, and despite the fact that the three cotton rods I’d consumed throughout that day did almost nothing compared to the one I’d taken the day before, I maybe slept a total of two fragmented hours that night.

The next morning, figuring I had nothing to lose other than a few bucks, I consumed another cotton rod. While this might seem ridiculous given my previous day’s experience, I thought that perhaps the venlafaxine and sertraline that I took two evenings prior had decreased the efficacy of the propylhexadrine the following day (they collectively modulate the action of two chemicals, serotonin and norepinephrine, that are also affected by propylhexadrine). The result was similar to the day before, with perhaps even less stimulation. Though I had two more inhalers at the ready, I didn’t see any point in consuming any more propylhexadrine anytime soon after that, and I decided to call it good for the immediate future.

I never felt the nasty comedown that propylhexadrine seems to be notorious for, although I did tear up briefly, and for seemingly no reason, a couple of times at random on days two and three. Despite this, the comedown was a walk in the park compared to what I’ve experienced with other stimulants, and I felt fortunate for that.

Even though I had read that tolerance develops relatively quickly with repeated use of propylhexadrine, I was still surprised at just how quickly after my first dose the drug became virtually ineffective. While I’m sure that my medication, lack of sleep, and the basic chemistry of the drug all factored into this, there is one more element that also may have had an influence – sugar. Though I don’t really understand why, for some reason sugar has a significant influence on the high (this seems to make sense considering that meth users tend to consume a lot of sugar). Prior to the experience I had been eating a low-carb, paleo-style (for lack of a better label) diet for more than three weeks straight. My assumption is that my body used up all of its glycogen (stored sugar) during the first phase of the experience, which also included a long, glycogen-depleting run, and that by day two there was no more sugar left in my body to “fuel” the propylhexadrine.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108592
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 31
Published: Feb 7, 2022Views: 962
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Pharms - Propylhexedrine (389) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), Combinations (3), General (1)

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