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Literally Life-Changing
Citation:   UndercoverPunk. "Literally Life-Changing: An Experience with Ephenidine (exp108594)". Jun 4, 2016.

  repeated smoked Tobacco (daily)
    repeated vaporized Ephenidine (powder / crystals)
So to begin, I have been very ill for quite some time due to a very high dose benzodiazepine addiction and am in a very slow and painful withdrawal period. As is quite well known, dissociatives help ease the withdrawal symptoms, and due to lack of access to 'safer' chemicals, I chose Ephenidine to ease my pain, and have been using regular, low doses (<50mg, 2 or 3 times a day as needed, vaporised.) and have experienced no negative side effects (apart from reminding me of my past ketamine addiction days, and a slight dry cough, but I am a heavy smoker so that's nothing new.)

I have vast experience with lots of chemicals, especially psychedelics.

On to last night - I was feeling the pain of my benzo withdrawal badly, so decided to have a recreational night and enjoy the pleasures of the chemical. I can't really describe in words what I went through, but I can tell you what it resulted in.

I had the most significant spiritual experience of my life, and have finally made the step to vegetarianism (I will be going vegan, once I can afford it...) and regained the faith that I had lost in this planet and its people.

This chemical truly is wonderful, and has much potential, maybe even for future medicine, once this capitalist scum society collapses and the people can live freely.

Obviously, as full research has not been done on this compound, I recommend that everyone stay safe and take the necessary precautions when experimenting with any substance.

I really felt I had to share this experience.

Namaste. 🌷

[Reported Dose: 'Approx 250mg over about 6 hours - vaporised']

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108594
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jun 4, 2016Views: 4,817
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Ephenidine (689) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Mystical Experiences (9), Unknown Context (20)

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