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The HOT's in June
HOT-2, HOT-7 & HOT-17
Citation:   Alexander Shulgin. "The HOT's in June: An Experience with HOT-2, HOT-7 & HOT-17 (exp108649)". Jun 6, 2016.

12 ug oral HOT-2 (powder / crystals)
  10-18 ug oral HOT-2 (powder / crystals)
  120 mg oral HOT-17 (powder / crystals)
  22 mg oral HOT-7 (powder / crystals)
[This report originally appeared as handwritten notes in Book 8, pages 1019, 1015 and 1011 of the Shulgin Lab Books.]

HOT-2 (p. 1019)

++ 12mg 6/6/86. ATS 12:00PM=[0:00] Aware at [:40] - light head - by [1:] at
~++ [1:30] still ++ - well centered - can do all sorts of things - type,
lab, answer phone (Haight Ashbury). alcohol-like intoxication without the
fuzziness - few if any visuals - this on to ~[4:] - down a bit [5:] still
memory - [6:] baseline [8:] challenge [with] 2CB. q.v. ++

+++ 10-18mg 6/15/86 ATS, AP, GC 18mg; NT, MP, FB 12mg; CT 10mg. All excellent.
all aware at [:30] and smooth climb to ++ to +++ by [1:30] - there until
~[5:00] or maybe less. Baseline or so at [10:]. Correct levels all. Some
visuals - considerable BP run-up by [1:] - to base-line ~[6:] NT may like
higher, AP too. FB a bit below to start - fine at ~[4:]. High energy -
completely centered. Excellent talking. +++ but a +3 of a well centered,
controlled high [with] min. # of dark edges. Certainly repeat.

HOT-17 Racemic (p. 1015)

+++ 120mg ATS, AP ≡ 6/20/86 4:45PM=[0:00] An unbelievably GRIM taste - not bitter,
simply evil. Aware at [1:00] [1:30] to a + [2:40] pushing +++, and by [3:30]
full +++ - I am in the office - no big push. Plateau on to ~[8:] - slow, quiet
drop - sleep ~[12:] - but up at [16:] with something still going. long, no body
difficulty, easy to write. A good +++.

Hot-7 (p. 1011)

++1/2 22mg 6/23/86 5:42PM=[0:00] ATS, AP ≡ [:45] aware & quietly developing. [1:]
out of shower, [1:30] >++ [3:] living room - AP with much eyes-closed
imagery, ATS less, some sadness. Unknitting erotic- easy sleep at about [7:]
- a.m. moderately alert. Higher? Call it ++1/2.

Exp Year: 1986ExpID: 108649
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 61
Published: Jun 6, 2016Views: 4,449
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HOT-7 (746), HOT-17 (747), HOT-2 (489) : Various (28), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1)

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