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Generally More Relaxed
Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender)
Citation:   OwlForHerbs. "Generally More Relaxed: An Experience with Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender) (exp108661)". Jun 4, 2016.

1 hit vaporized Lavandula spp. (fresh)
The Lavender High

I found out by accident a while ago that lavender worked differently for me than for other people. Many may report feeling a general sense of relaxation, for example. I had half a lavender crème filled chocolate bar with a friend and she was fine and I was definitely high as a kite, but I don’t remember specifics so this experience is not about that time I literally got high off of lavender.

Much more recently I decided to use my VaporGenie to vaporize two or three ripped up fresh lavender leaves [Lavandula angustifolia], since the plant I have outside had not flowered yet, and right now is teasing me with just barely visible purple on its flower heads. I walked outside, I pinched off two or three leaves that were large and didn’t have any flaws, came upstairs to my room and proceeded to rip them into smaller pieces so they would fit in the bowl and I went ahead and vaporized the leaves, which were definitely tasty.

Quite soon, I felt calmer, less stressed, and generally more relaxed. By the time fifteen minutes went by I had a very strong body high, to the point that I just wanted to lay there and giggle at the sensation. I noticed that I felt zero anxiety or depression, two unfortunate plagues to my existence, and I was basically at peace.

The strength of my high slowly and evenly lessened at a rate that would leave me sober in two hours. Near the tail end of my high I was so mentally relaxed as a side effect of the body high that I decided to take a nap, which was quite refreshing and when I woke up I was ready to hit the day full throttle even though it was evening. Oddly enough I didn’t have any trouble sleeping that night even with the nap.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108661
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Jun 4, 2016Views: 4,051
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Lavandula spp. (461) : General (1), Alone (16)

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