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All Report 'Rolling' at 45 Minutes
Citation:   Alexander Shulgin. "All Report 'Rolling' at 45 Minutes: An Experience with 2C-T-13 (exp108761)". Jul 1, 2016.

40 mg oral 2C-T-13
[This report originally appeared as handwritten notes in Book 8, pages 1000 of the Shulgin Lab Books.] .]

++1/2 Group



40mg ATS, AP, GC, 35mg MP, 25mg FC, NT, CT.

Alerts ~[:30] - all report 'rolling' at [:45] in general pretty much developed at
[1:15 or 1:30] - hold to ~[3:00] - gradual & graceful descent to ~[6: or 7:]
- good appetite and appreciation of food. Much talk - much laughter. As to

ATS (40) no body at all - neatly +++, good interaction - well grounded.
AP (40) considerable body - 40 max - maybe 35 on repeat, a twinge of
seriousness - introspection. (tired?)
GC (40) Excellent dose, day, experience. proper dose
MP (35) Good insight - easy talk - a shade less next time?
NT (25) see report - a shade more? Good spirits.
CT (25) proper dose (++?) - headache more modest than usual afterwards
AM dentist.
FC (25) bad tummy in, somewhat better during. (++?)

Overall - mostly ++ to ++1/2 - all departed in good spirits after carrot soup & chocolate cake - my birthday!

Exp Year: 1985ExpID: 108761
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 60
Published: Jul 1, 2016Views: 2,793
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2C-T-13 (749) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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