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Not Worth the Agony
Heimia salicifolia & Methadone
Citation:   CoyoteGirl. "Not Worth the Agony: An Experience with Heimia salicifolia & Methadone (exp108798)". Jul 25, 2016.

78 mg oral Methadone (liquid)
  5 g oral Heimia salicifolia (tea)
I've been on the methadone program off and on (mostly on) for the last 7 years as harm reduction to get off of street opiates and away from using needles so often. I'm in the process of a taper program from 130mg-73mg currently.

I'm aware that sinicuichi is an MAOI and MAOI's are not to be mixed with opiate drugs among many other drugs, wines, herbs, and even foods. But I had just reduced my dose of methadone less than a week before I took the sinicuichi so I thought (very stupidly) that I would be fine because the opiate levels in my system were lower than usual. In retrospect it makes no sense.

Anyways I woke up at 7am to prepare the sinicuichi for the next day. It was an extremely hot and sunny day outside. I weighed out 5 grams of the dried plant matter, put it in a mason jar, filled it a little more than half way up with hot water, put the lid on, gave it a gentle shake, and put it outside in the direct sunlight while I left it there to ferment for exactly 24 hours.

The next morning I took my 78mg of methadone and brought in the sinicuichi, I strained the plant matter out with a tea sieve and put it in the compost. It was still quite warm. I put a dab of honey in it and drank it slowly. It didn't really taste bad for how strong it tasted. It has a very tolerable taste, to me anyways. It was a deep golden/yellow color.

About 30mins later I felt pretty good. Relaxed and comfortable. After about 4 hours went by I started to feel nauseous a little, my muscles began to feel sore, I got severe restless leg syndrome, and hot and cold sweats. All these symptoms intensified to the point I was vomiting my guts up, my bones felt like they were trying to get out of my body, my joints exploding! My muscles hurt so bad even my eyelids hurt!
My muscles hurt so bad even my eyelids hurt!
It was hellish. My heart started to hurt reminding me that my heart is a muscle too as every muscle in my body was spazzing out. I got afraid. My mom was there and aware of what I had taken thank goodness. I ALMOST had to go to the hospital. I felt like I was gonna die nearly the entire night and I drank the 'tea' in the morning.

I will never take sinicuichi again. It's not worth the possibility of such a terrible reaction again. I'm done experimenting with this plant. Not if the pain I felt is common and it seems to be. I was honestly crying out in pain for hours. It was some messed up stuff. Not a fun drug, more like torture.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108798
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jul 25, 2016Views: 4,280
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Methadone (166), Heimia salicifolia (150) : Health Problems (27), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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