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Itchy Antsy Fuzzy Happy
Poppy Seed Tea
by Don
Citation:   Don. "Itchy Antsy Fuzzy Happy: An Experience with Poppy Seed Tea (exp108839)". Oct 10, 2016.

T+ 0:00
  oral Poppies - Opium (tea)
  T+ 1:00   vaporized Cannabis (extract)
  T+ 1:00   vaporized Nicotine  
My name is Don. I'm 35 years of age. I weigh 185lbs. I'm physically active, gave up alcohol a year ago. I am a former cigarette smoker, hence the vape pen, which has become a pacifier.

I am neither for, nor against the use of illegal narcotics. It is my belief that I have a healthy constitution, and I use what works for me, periodically. I do my research on the safety precautions, and the legal status on substances I may choose to utilize.

Tonight, I fell back on a 'tried and true' remedy for elevated blood pressure and tension. Poppy Seed Tea (Version IV). I would like to state, any version of P.S.T. I have ever mixed up, has had an effect. Version IV is what I put together and is done like so: I procured two 8 ounce bags of Bob's Redmill Poppy Seeds, one 2 litre bottle of club soda, and a lemon juice squeeze bottle in the shape of a lemon.

First, I emptied about 1/3rd of the club soda. I added the lemon juice first. Then, using a funnel, I added the poppy seeds to the citrus sparkling water. I replaced the cap, allowed the pressure to build until the bottle became firm. I began to slowly rotate, turn, and flip the bottle, until the seeds were equally waterlogged. I shook the bottle rapidly for about a minute. I set it down and allowed it to become still. I gave it one more good shake, before placing the 2 litre bottle into my meat freezer to chill.

I left the concoction in the freezer until a small amount of ice developed. When I determined it was cold enough to drink, I unscrewed the cap about halfway, and began to drink the bitter, earthy, citrusy beverage.

With P.S.T., I discovered that the potency ranges can be vastly different from batch to batch. Tonight's batch was significantly potent.

I drank the liquid until it was down 1/3rd. Within 10 minutes, I could feel the effects coming on. Slight itchiness, flushing, mind went at ease, and a tightness was pronounced from my stomach.
After about 30 minutes, the stomach pain was unbearable, and would come in waves. When the pain was intermittent, waves of heat, euphoria, and butterflies in the ears were very pronounced. My entire body became itchy,very itchy, yet it was not unpleasant. I found that rotating the fluid in my stomach, by lying down and assuming a variety of poses I was able to keep the worst of the pain at bay.

It took at least an hour or so of rolling around on the ground before I no longer felt like I had just taken a perfect gut shot from Mr. Kirkpatrick. This batch was surprisingly very potent. The pain killing effects eventually became stronger than the pain. I can always tell how strong the positive effects will be, based on the amount of initial stomach pain I endure in the beginning of a session.

When the pain subsided, I decided to have some dabs of medical cannabis, as it eases stomach pain. Using my butane torch, and dab pipe, I inhaled four good lungfuls of hash oil vapor.

The combination of cannabis and P.S.T. is very good for me. The THC added a delightful stimulant effect, and thus, I started sucking down nicotine from my vape pen. The flavour of my vape juice is 'fruity bubblegum' and is far more pronounced... in both flavour and nicotine intensity.

It has been several hours, and the P.S.T. seems to have plateaued. I'm relaxed, I'm awake and aware, but could fall asleep in 4 seconds if I chose to.

I choose not to indulge in P.S.T. too often, up to once a week. The measurement I used tonight rarely has this strong of an effect. But, I choose to not mix using more seeds because if the potency is too high, it could cause me serious illness or death. These are effects I chose to avoid. Moderation, research, and mindfulness are paramount to my proper utilization of compounds that dramatically effect my physiology. I do not drive or operate machinery whilst enjoying any opiates, or cannabis. Being home, and being safe, make my experiences very rewarding.
God Bless.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108839
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 35
Published: Oct 10, 2016Views: 5,752
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