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Stumbled Around Like I Was Drunk
Hydrocodone, Gabapentin & Klonopin
Citation:   Bailey Brooks. "Stumbled Around Like I Was Drunk: An Experience with Hydrocodone, Gabapentin & Klonopin (exp108908)". Sep 18, 2019.

1 mg oral Pharms - Clonazepam (daily)
    oral Hydrocodone  
    oral Acetaminophen  
    oral Pharms - Gabapentin  
Oxycodone Neurontin and Klonopin Prescribed

I've been taking Neurontin for about 3 years now they just move my dose up to 600 milligrams 4 times a day. Seems like a lot but if I take it one at a time like I'm supposed to I don't feel that much if I take three at a time which is 1800 milligrams then I get a little like drunk feeling.

My dr. just put me on 10 milligram oxycodone hcl: I take it twice a day but it doesn't really feel like it makes my back feel any better
10 milligram oxycodone hcl: I take it twice a day but it doesn't really feel like it makes my back feel any better
actually to let you know about that I broke my back in three places when I was 19 so it's been 15 years. I feel like I should have a higher dose after reading that it's only for moderate pain. Not really sure what to ask for though I hate asking for something because then they kind of label you as a pill seeker or drug seeker.

I start off my day with a Klonopin in the morning or 1 milligram and I usually snort 10 milligram oxy. I calm down I don't feel anxious anymore I feel like playing with the kids even if they're screaming and running around. Sometimes I don't feel anything fast enough so I wonder if it's stuck in my nose. I do another one. Now I definitely have minimal back pain even though it is still there but I do have a euphoric feeling I'm more sociable and nicer actually.

Yesterday was the first time that I took all three together which actually I didn't have my oxy because I ran out early but I did have a Vicodin so I took the bike and a Klonopin and three 600 milligram Neurontin and stumbled around like I was drunk. But I enjoyed it. Sitting outside on my front deck the trees kind of sparkled as they moved in the wind things moved around a little bit but I felt how I felt just relax. I thought it was the Vicodin but now that I've looked at the dosage information it was definitely Neurontin which is funny because I never thought that I got anything out of it. Whenever I did go to bed I had tightness in my chest and it was really hard to breathe so I actually had to prop myself up in order to sleep...

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108908
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 34
Published: Sep 18, 2019Views: 2,169
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Hydrocodone (111), Pharms - Clonazepam (125), Pharms - Gabapentin (183) : Unknown Context (20), Medical Use (47), Combinations (3)

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